
Sobre la historia de la noria de tiro

    Full details

    English titleOn the history of the shooting wheel
    Authors & editors

    Baroja, Julio Caro [Author]

    Publisher Revista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares
    Year of publication 1955

    Spanish (main text)

    Medium Offprint/Journal Supplement

    Water supply & management > Irrigation & drainage


    Middle East

    Scope & contentTranslation of chapter headings:
    Preliminary words (noria = "blood wheel")
    The noria in the works of medieval Arab authors
    The noria and its expansion in the Islamic world
    The noria in India
    The noria in China
    Return to the West
    The noria in Spain

    Copies held

    Accession no. 230598

    • Shelf location: I250
    • Donor: Paul Wilson Collection
    • Notes: Volume XI note books 1 & 2 pp 15-79, many photographic plates

    Divisions within this publication

    • 1: Palabras preliminares
    • 2: La noria de sangre en las obras de los autores arabes medievales
    • 3: La noria de sangrey su expansion en el mundo islamico
    • 4: La noria de sangre en la India
    • 5: La noria de sangre en China
    • 6: Vuelta a Occidente
    • 7: La noria de sangre en Espana