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Publications (Library)

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English scene: the spirit of England in the monuments of her social life and industrial historyCarton, RonaldAC Black1930Book
English windmills, volume 1Batten, Marjorie IArchitectural Press1930Book
Development of water power: A handbook for the preparation of preliminary schemesArmfield, Joseph J & Co Ltd1930Book
Bread production under scientific managementWahl, Arnold SpencerBakers' Helper, Chicago1930Book
Hydraulics and its applicationsGibson, A HConstable19301942 reprintBook
Physics and chemisry applied to millingHoussa, Armand J HEdward Arnold1930Book
Cheap BreadMoelwyn-Hughes, RonwErnest Benn Ltd1930Book
Flour mill machinery 1930Simon, HenryHenry Simon1930Book
Unknown KentMaxwell, DonaldJohn Lane The Bodley Head1930Book
Annual reports of the National Association of British & Irish Millers (1927-1930)National Association of British & Irish Millers (nabim)1930Book
Bound set of NIJC Technical Education Series 1926-1930nabim, (now UK Flour Millers)National Joint Council for the Flour Milling Industry1930Book
R D'Acres's Art of water-drawingJenkins, RhysNewcomen Society1930Facsimile reprint
Physical science of flour millingSimon, E DNorthern Publishing Co1930Book
Corn Trade Memories: recent and remoteBroomhall, G J S; Hubback, John HNorthern Publishing Co Ltd1930Book
Ajinomoto an oriental product made from wheat flourBriggs, Charles HNorthwestern Miller1930January 1, p 25Digital
Great Argentinian Wheat MysteryMcNash, JamesNorthwestern Miller1930January 1, p26Digital
Tke Trend in Flour PackagingNewell, Martin ENorthwestern Miller1930January 1, p46Digital
Bread of BritainHurst, A HOxford University Press1930Book
Price list of stamped seamless steel elevator conveyor bucketsT F & J H Braime Ltd1930Book
Water-power mills of south Westmorland: On the Kent, Bela and Gilpin and their tributariesSomervell, JohnTitus Wilson1930Book
Windmills in SussexFowell, G M; Hughes, A FoordWalker's Galleries1930Book