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Publications (Library)

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Foreign-language leaflets (two)Fitz Water Wheel Co.Brochure, leaflet or poster
Ready Dressed Mill CogsFitz Water Wheel Co.Brochure, leaflet or poster
Carew French tidal millBook
Carew Castle & Tidal Mill: Souvenir GuidePembrokeshire Coast National Park AuthorityBook
Stambridge: a tide mill in EssexEssex EducationEducation pack
House Mill: Bromley-by-BowRiver Lea Tidal Mill TrustBook
Restoring Woodbridge tide millBook
Fairbairn's mill machinery at the House millStrong, BrianRiver Lea Tidal Mill TrustBook
Wanted! WaterwheelsMajor, J KennethIndustrial ArchaeologyOffprint/Journal Supplement
Woodbridge tide millWoodbridge Tide Mill TrustBrochure, leaflet or poster
Tide mills part 2Wailes, RexSPABBook
Tide mills part 1Wailes, RexSPABBook
Old tide mill at ElingSouthgate, MichaelEaling Tide Mill TrustBook
Water power engineering: the theory, investigation and development of water powerMead, Daniel WMcGraw-Hill1908Book
Water power engineering: the theory, investigation and development of water powerMead, Daniel WMcGraw-Hill1920revisedBook
Steel overshot waterwheelFitz Water Wheel Co.1928Book
Tidal powerMills, J WGWR Mechanics Instutute, Swindon Engineering Society19281927-28Transactions (161) 5-30Offprint/Journal Supplement
Romance of water-powerLewis, PaulSampson, Low, Marston & Co1931Book
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordEdgar Allen News1956Article
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1956Book
Tide mills part 3: The Three Mills, Bromley by BowGardner, E MSPAB1957Book
Watermills with horizontal wheelsWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1960Book
GB-62/001 Woodbridge tide millMajor, J KennethJespersen1961Plans and instructions
Monastic watermills: a study of the mills within English monastic precinctsLuckhurst, DavidSPAB1964Book
Application of water-power to industry during the Middle AgesBlaine, BUniversity Microfilms1966Book
Tidemills of Devon and CornwallMinchinton, Walter; Perkins, JohnExeter Papers in Industrial Archaeology1971Book
Carew French tidal mill1972Book
Moulins BateauxPeyronel, AlainLes Moulins de France1972& 1982 No special 7&8Book
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1973Book
Moulin pendantJones, David HTIMS1973Offprint/Journal Supplement
Three mills conservation areaLund, KennethLondon Borough of Newham1973Book
House mill: Study of the present condition of the house mill and of the repairs necessary to enable it to be used as a museumHarrap, Julian; Ogden, DerekThe author1974Book
Sussex river: Journeys along the banks of the River Ouse. Seaford to NewhavenMcCarthy, Edna; McCarthy, MacLindel Organisation1975Book
Bishopstone tidemillsFarrant, SueSussex Archaeological Society1975vol 135 pp199-202Offprint/Journal Supplement
History of corn milling Volume 4: Some feudal mills: with a memoir by the late Richard BennettBennett, Richard; Elton, JohnEP Publishing1975Book
Watermills and military works on Hadrian's Wall: excavations in Northumberland 1907-1913Simpson, F Gerald; Simpson, Grace; Wilson, Paul N LordTitus Wilson1976Book
Fejezetek Pest Megye TortenetebolLajos, JakusStudia Comitatensia1979Article
Die letzte SchiffmühleWinkler, WillyLandschaftsmuseum der Dübener Heide1979Book
House Mill: Application for planning permission and listed building consentHarrap, JulianThe author1979Book
Muinos de Mares da Ria de ArousaBas Lopez, Maria BegonaBrigantium Bol Museo Arqu Hist Coruna1981Offprint/Journal Supplement
Die WasserräderMüller, WilhelmVerlag Moritz Schafer1982Book
Rarest Tide MillPlunkett, DavidMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Hydraulics of tide millsJones, David HMills Research Group1984SeptemberDigital
Tide mills of the south coastPlunkett, DavidMills Research Group1984SeptemberDigital
Large Roman water mill at Barbegal (FranceSellin, Robert H JHistory of Technology (Mansell)19841983, vol 8 pp 91 -109Article
Molinos de marAzurmendi Perez, LuisColegio Oficiial de Arquitectos de Cantabria1985Book
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1985Book
Carew Tidal MillPembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority1986Brochure, leaflet or poster
Schiffmühlen: Eine Flotte, die fast immer vor Anker lagJüngel, KarlLandschaftsmuseum der Dübener Heide1987Book
Eling tide mill information bookEling Tide Mill Trust1987Education pack