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Showing results for ( Topic equals Cereal processes > Cereal and milling science ):

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Measuring protein directly on the combineMilling & Grain 2018NovemberDigital
Genetics and the hidden story of wheatMilling & Grain 2018OctoberDigital
Understanding protein variability in Canadian fieldsMilling & Grain 2022SeptemberDigital
Greenhouse gas as a raw material for an important feed additiveMilling & Grain 2018SeptemberDigital
Heatwave 2018. How enzyme systems can compensate for deficits in this year’s crop—Low amylase values, high falling numbersMilling & Grain 2018SeptemberDigital
Cereal revolutionMilling & Grain 2018SeptemberDigital
Transforming wheat into flour. The numerous and varied tools for preparing laboratory samplesMilling & Grain 2022MayDigital
New crop trials promises a viable maize alternativeMilling & Grain 2022AprilDigital
On combine NIR analysers provide high ROIMilling & Grain 2018MayDigital
OSU scientist discovers a wheat gene that increases grain yieldMilling & Grain 2022JuneDigital
Development of new technologies for feed and food millingMilling & Grain 2018MarchDigital
Enhancing quality managementMilling & Grain 2018AprilDigital
Millet, ‘smart food of the 21st century’Milling & Grain 2018MarchDigital
Oklahoma State University is developing higher quality wheatMilling & Grain 2022JulyDigital
Pilot of new wheat variety improves yield for Ethiopian farmersMilling & Grain 2022SeptemberDigital
Evolution of grain & oilseed analysis methodsMilling & Grain 2022SeptemberDigital
Grain Improvers. Higher milling efficiency & flour qualityMilling & Grain 2022NovemberDigital
Defining flour water absorption with high-precision dosageMilling & Grain 2017DecemberDigital
There’s too much starch in that bran!Milling & Grain 2017DecemberDigital
Survive & advance. Selecting performance analysers to reduce waste and streamline product developmentMilling & Grain 2022DecemberDigital
Gluten-free flours. Analytical characterisation and processing of gluten-free flours on a laboratory scaleMilling & Grain 2023JanuaryDigital
Importance of starch damage in wheat and milling industryMilling & Grain 2023JanuaryDigital
Grinding methods. Products with different grinding methodsMilling & Grain 2023FebruaryDigital
Bring back neglected cereals. From ancient grains to superfoodsMilling & Grain 2017NovemberDigital
History of the earth and the soilMilling & Grain 2017SeptemberDigital
Optical fluting test: guaranteeing an accurate measurementMilling & Grain 2017SeptemberDigital
New organic cereal arrives in EuropeMilling & Grain 2017MarchDigital
Biotechnology and scientific agricultural progressMilling & Grain 2017MarchDigital
Enzymes enhancing flour qualityMilling & Grain 2017MarchDigital
Seed and grain imaging Vs subjective inspection methodsMilling & Grain 2017MarchDigital
Grain preservation with organic acidsMilling & Grain 2017OctoberDigital
Maths formula offers global impact for millers by improving flour yield from wheatMilling & Grain 2016JulyDigital
Determination of rheological properties of doughMilling & Grain 2023MarchDigital
Grain quality assessment in the new age. GRAMS-M10 mobile app for accurate grain analysisMilling & Grain 2023MarchDigital
Seed cleaning. Crop value increase when cleaning standards metMilling & Grain 2023JuneDigital
Baking and frozen dough marketMilling & Grain 2016AprilDigital
Nabim Wheat GuideNational Association of British & Irish Millers (nabim)1995-2015Brochure, leaflet or poster
Milling studies: a survey of the flour milling processMiller, Edgar SNational Miller Publications Inc.1928Book
Science and the millerRemington, John StewartNorthern Publishing Co1914Book
WheatAmos, A JNorthern Publishing Co Ltd1937Offprint/Journal Supplement
Elementary science course for flour millersNorthern Publishing Co LtdBook
Oliver's book of formulasOliver, Charles ENorthern Publishing Co LtdBook
Science and rice in IndonesiaWard, William BOelgeschlager Gunn & Hain1985Book
Technology of cereals: an introduction for students of food science and agricultureKent, N LPergamon1994Book
Preliminary course of instruction in identification of cereal varietiesHervey-Murray, C GRank Hovis McDougall Agricultural Research and Advisory Services Ltd.1970Book
Constituents of wheat and wheat productsBailey, C HReinhold Publishing Corporation1944Book
Separation of wheat starch and glutenEdwards, G HResearch Association of British Flour-Millers1966Book
Addition of calcium carbonate (creta preparata) to National FlourResearch Association of British Flour-Millers1942JuneOffprint/Journal Supplement
Annual Reports of the Research Association of British Flour Millers 1924-1940Research Association of British Flour-MillersBook
Identification of Cereal VarietiesHervey-Murray, C GRHM Arable1980Book