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Publications (Library)

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Harvesting the Air: Windmill Pioneers in Twelfth-Century EnglandKealey, Edward JUniversity of California Press1987Book
Geschichte der Mühlen zwischen Eider und KönigsauPetersen, HansWachholtz Verlag, Neumünster1988Book
Medieval machine: the industrial revolution of the Middle AgesGimpel, JeanPimlico1988Book
Arbeiten und Leben in der KornmühleScheuermann, AdelgardVSA-Verlag1989Book
Bauernmühlen im Schwarzwald: Dokumentation und Restaurierung bäuerlicher AlltagstechnikJüttemann, HerbertLandesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit in Mannheim1990Book
Encyclopedia of the history of technologyMcNeil, IanRoutledge1990Book
Work of Norman and Smithson millwrights of Hull 1780-1831 and the development of milling technologyGregory, RoyRoy Gregory1991Book
A la chasse aux papillons. système de mise au vent automatique des moulinsAmary, Jean Francois; Porcher, Christian; Raclin, MLes Cahiers De l’Ama1991Book
Del dios del fuego a la máquina de vapor: La introducción de la técnica industrial en HispanoaméricaGarcia-Tapia, NicolasÁmbitio Ediciones - Instituto de Ingenieros Técnicos de España1992Book
Boulton and Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton papers: parts 2 & 3Adam Matthew Publications1993Book
Boulton and Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton papers: parts 4 & 5Adam Matthew Publications1994Book
Getreidereiben und Mühlsteine aus der EifelHörter, FridolinGeschichts- und Altertumsverein für Mayen und Umgebung1994Book
Power from wind: a history of windmill technologyHills, Richard LCambridge University Press1994Book
Horizontal watermill: history and technology of the first prime moverMoog, BertholdTIMS1994Book
Power from wind: A history of windmill technologyHills, Richard LCambridge University Press1996Book
Tranasactions of the Newcomen Society for the study of the history of engineering and technologyNewcomen Society1996Journal
Boulton and Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton papers: parts 6,7 & 8Adam Matthew Publications1997Book
Leonardo da Vinci's machinesCianchi, MarcoBecocci Editore1998Book
Van Zadelsteen tot Zetelkruier: 2000 jaar molens in Vlaanderen, Boek 1: Geschiednis van het malen met natuurlijke drijftkrachtBauters, PaulProvincie Oost-Vlanderen1998Book
Wheat Milling, its history, technology, and efficiency: with special reference to eighteenth and nineteenth century EuropeMuller, H GUniversity of Leeds1999Book
Moulins. maîtres des eaux, maîtres des ventsBruggeman, JeanRempart2000Book
Vorgeschichtliche Reibsteine aus der Umgebung von MayenHoltmeyer-Wild, VeraVerlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz2000Book
Van Zadelsteen tot Zetelkruier: 2000 jaar molens in Vlaanderen, Boek 2: Bouw en werking van de molens met natuurlijke drijfkrachtBauters, PaulProvincie Oost-Vlanderen2000Book
Mill: the history and future of naturally powered buildingsLarkin, DavidUniverse2000Book
Boulton & Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton papers: parts 9 & 10Adam Matthew Publications2001Book
Windmill technology in Flanders in the 14th & 15th centuries Part 1: part 1: external structures of early millsCoutant, Yves; Harverson, Michael; Ward, Owen HTIMS2001Book
Krater und SchlackenkegelIppach, Peter; Mangartz, Fritz; Schaaff, HolgerVerlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz2002Book
Mills of Belidor (Architecture hydraulique, part 1 book 2)Belidor, Bernard Forest de; Harverson, Michael; Ward, Owen H; Watkins, GeorgeTIMS2003Book
Guide to the United States patents for windmills and wind engines, 1793-1950Baker, T LindsayTIMS2004Book
Windmills: A pictorial history of their technologyHills, Richard LLandmark2005Book
Rise of the white loaf: evidence from the north of England concerning developments in milling milling technique in the 18th centuryHarrison, John KSPAB2005Book
Wind, water, work: ancient and medieval milling technologyLucas, AdamBrill Society2006Book
Power and performance of Roman water-mills: hydro-mechanical analysis of vertical-wheeled water-millsHawksley, Jeff; Spain, R JBritish Archaeological Reports2008Book
Millstone industry: a summary of research on quarries and producers in the USA, Eurpoe and elsewhereHockensmith, Charles DMcFarland & Co Inc2009Book
Ganzel & Wulff: the quest for American milling secretsBost, Gerald; Ganzel, Carl Friedrich; Ogden, Derek; Wulff, FriedrichTIMS2010Book
Why England and not China and India? Water systems and the history of the Industrial RevolutionTvedt, TerjeJournal of Global History20105, pp. 29–50Digital
Windmill technology in Flanders in the 14th & 15th centuries Part 2.: Moving parts of early post and tower millsCoutant, Yves; Harverson, Michael; Ward, Owen HTIMS2012Book
Der Walzenstuhl: Konstruktion & FunktionGemsjäger, HelmutAgrimedia2013Book
From Quern to Computer: a history of flour millingCookson, Mildred M; Wooldridge, ClaireThe Mills Archive Trust2016Book
From Quern to Computer: The history of flour millingWatts, Martin; Watts, SueThe Mills Archive Trust2016Website
Rolls. The effect of a good roll in a flourmillMilling & Grain 2016AprilDigital
Magnetic separators and their role in ensuring the safety of foodMilling & Grain 2018DecemberDigital
Historical Development of Traditional Windmill Technology in EnglandBlythman, GuyThe Mills Archive Trust2019Website
Rise and Fall of the MillstoneCookson, Mildred MCereal Foods World2019Vol. 64, No. 4 ppDigital
Roller mill. Stability and grinding roller system performanceMilling & Grain 2019DecemberDigital
Extrusion brings versatility to food industryMilling & Grain 2019OctoberDigital
Bogasari Flour Mills. Technological advances help millers meet consumer needsGilbert, RogerMilling & Grain 2019OctoberDigital
Rice flour by SATAKE’s small milling unit CMU30AMilling & Grain 2019OctoberDigital
Revolution in flour milling unfolds. Mill E3Milling & Grain 2019SeptemberDigital
Roller mill. The new Diorit roller mill with leading-edge controlMilling & Grain 2019AugustDigital