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Showing results for ( Publisher equals Central Electricity Generating Board ):

Publications (Library)

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Analysis of generation costsCentral Electricity Generating Board1983FebruaryBook
Analysis of generation costs 1983/84 UpdateCentral Electricity Generating Board1985AprilBook
Costs of producing electricityCentral Electricity Generating Board1980JUlyBrochure, leaflet or poster
Dinorwic pumped storage power stationCentral Electricity Generating Board1979Book
Nuclear Electricity; how much is needed?Baker, JohnCentral Electricity Generating Board1985May 22Book
Power from the windCentral Electricity Generating Board1982Book
Straight bladed Darrieus wind turbines: The computer program "Quixote"Pearce, D LCentral Electricity Generating Board1980Book
Wind power at Capel CynonCentral Electricity Generating Board1988or 1989Book