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Showing results for ( Author/contributor contains David H Jones ):

Publications (Library)

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Analysis of the damsel & shoe feed chacteristicsJones, David HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Drying KilnsJones, David H; Major, J KennethTIMS1973Article
Hydraulics of tide millsJones, David HMills Research Group1984SeptemberDigital
Millnotes 1970-1974Buckland, J S P; Jones, David H; Major, J KennethThe editorJournal
Montgomeryshire watermills: Survey reportJones, David H1968Thesis/Report
Moulin pendantJones, David HTIMS1973Offprint/Journal Supplement
Proposals for Mill TestingJones, David HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Scythemill: Belbroughton [DVD]Jones, David HDavid H Jones1995Recording
Water-powered corn mills of England, Wales and the Isle of Man: a preliminary account of their developmentJones, David HDavid H Jones2018Book
Water-powered corn mills of England, Wales and the Isle of Man: a preliminary account of their developmentJones, David HTIMS1969Article
Watermills of South WalesJones, David HMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Your molinological recordsBedington, John; Jones, David HSPABBrochure, leaflet or poster