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Showing results for ( Year equals 1979 ):

Publications (Library)

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Source book of windmills and watermillsWailes, RexWard Lock1979Book
Warwickshire windmills: a gazeteer of records compiled from historical evidenceWarwickshire Museum1979Book
Warwickshire windmills: a gazeteer of records compiled from historical evidenceSeaby, Wilfred AWarwickshire Museum1979Book
Living on the land: rural life in the Welwyn-Hatfield area from prehistoric times to the presentAgate, SusanWelwyn Hatfield Museum Service1979Book
Guide to Shipley windmill: centenary editionWest Sussex County Council1979Book
Wilton windmillWiltshire County Council1979Book
Windmills in KentTurpin, B J; Turpin, J MWindmill Publications1979Book