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Showing results for ( Year equals 1972 ):

Publications (Library)

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Rees's manufacturing industry, 1819-1820, vol.1Cossons, Neil; Rees, AbrahamDavid & Charles1972Facsimile reprint
Young Mill-Wright and Miller's GuideEvans, OliverArno Press1972Facsimile reprint
Textile HistoryPasold Research Fund1972Journal
Old Mill NewsSPOOM1972latest 2018Journal
Northwestern Miller 1972Miller Publishing Corporation1972Journal
Industrial Archaeology 1972-1973David & Charles1972Journal
Guide to Draper's windmill, Margate, KentPargeter, Vincent GDraper's Mill Trust1972Manuscript/Typescript
Cumberland windmillsHughes, JCumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Transactions1972new series vol 72 pp 112-141Offprint/Journal Supplement