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Brixton windmillGreater London Council1967Book
Chart Gunpowder Mills. St Ann's. Town and Port of Faversham. KentFaversham Society1967Book
Durngate mill, WinchesterBignell, D; Burrell, C1967Offprint/Journal Supplement
Early factory masters: the transition to the factory system in the Midlands textile industryChapman, Stanley DDavid & Charles1967Book
Gloucestershire woollen mills: The Industrial Archaeology of the British IslesTann, JenniferDavid & Charles1967Book
Golden age of steamPudney, JohnHamish Hamilton1967Book
Hatchett Diary: A Tour Through the Counties of England and Scotland in 1796 Visiting Mines and ManufactoriesRaistrick, ArthurBradford Barton1967Book
Havnbjerg Molle, also called Hagenbjerg MolleDanske Mollers Venner1967Book
Helnaes MolleDanske Mollers Venner1967Book
History of Gressenhall mill and mill housePuddy, EricEast Anglian Magazine1967Book
Il faut sauver nos vieux moulinsSébillot, Paul-YvesGrassin1967Book
Industrial archaeologyRix, MichaelHistorical Association1967Book
Industrial archaeology of BristolBuchanan, R AHistorical Association1967Book
James Watt: craftsman & engineerDickinson, Henry WinramAugustus M Kelley1967Book
List of membersNational Association of Corn and Agricultural Merchants1967JulyBook
Low cost development of small water power sitesHamm, HansVITA Volunteers in Technical Assistance1967Book
Machines, mills and uncountable costly necessities: a short history of the drainage of the fensHills, Richard LGoose & Son1967Book
Maps and Plans in the Public Record Office:1 British Isles c1410-1860HMSO1967Book
Modern cereal chemistryAmos, A J; Kent-Jones, D WFood Trade Press1967Book
Old Yorkshire DalesRaistrick, ArthurDavid & Charles1967Book
Orbis Sensualium PictusComenius, Johannes AmosSydney University Press1967Facsimile reprint
Polegate windmill: souvenir guideGregory, Frank William; Wailes, RexEastbourne & District Preservation Trust1967Book
Present State of England in regard to agriculture, trade & finance (1823)Lowe, JosephAugustus M Kelley1967Book
Waterdriven mills for grinding stoneWailes, RexNewcomen Society1967vol 39 pp95-119Offprint/Journal Supplement
Waterpower in the North of IrelandMcCutcheon, W ANewcomen Society1967Manuscript/Typescript