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Showing results for ( Region equals Hampshire ):


J & F RAYcompanyMillerSouthampton 57 Lower East StHampshireGB1888
J & George & John Geo MORRANTcompanyMillerAndover Town Mill Bridge StHampshireGB18521885
J & John & Albert SCAMMELLcompanyMillerBramshott MillHampshireGB18551880
J & WOODROW qv COLLINScompanyTenantAlton millHampshireGB1805-02-02
J and EJ BlakecompanyMD & SecFareham Steam Flour Mills Co LtdHampshireGB1895
J C N & co KINGcompanyMillerLymington Efford Mill Everton +HampshireGB1927
J M & Son TINSLEYcompanyMillerChristchurch 9 Waterloo PlaceHampshireGB1927
Jacob & George CURTIScompanyMillerPortsmouth Lake LaneHampshireGB1852
Jacob and James CURTIScompanyMillersPortsmouth Mile End LandportHampshireGB1842
James & Ann BUDDcompanyMillerHavant Langstone millHampshireGB1826-02-12
James & family WILLIScompanyMillerNewnham Lyde MillHampshireGB1881
James & John SimscompanyBentworthHampshireGB
James & Lucy STEVENScompanyMillerHavant millHampshireGB1849-06-03
James & Sarah SPARKEScompanyMillerHavant Brockhampton millHampshireGB1817-03-05
James & w Fanny WILLIScompanyMillerNewnham Lyde MillHampshireGB1891
Bearman & CratecompanyDurngate Mill WinchesterHampshireGB
James & w Louisa SPICERcompanyPaperAlton papermillHampshireGB1825 c.
James & w Mary HUTTONcompanyMillerNewnham ? Lyde millHampshireGB1851-05-10
James & w Mary HUTTONcompanyMillerNewnham ? Lyde millHampshireGB1851-05-10
James & w Mary HUTTONcompanyMillerNewnham ? Lyde millHampshireGB1853-01-07
James & w Mary HUTTONcompanyMillerNewnham ? Lyde millHampshireGB1853-01-07
James & w Mary HUTTONcompanyMillerNewnham ? Lyde millHampshireGB1855-01-18
James & w Mary HUTTONcompanyMillerNewnham ? Lyde millHampshireGB1855-01-18
James & w Mary HUTTONcompanyMillerNewnham ? Lyde millHampshireGB1857-01-08
BEACON PACKAGINGcompanyAlton Paper MillHampshireGB1968
James & w Mary HUTTONcompanyMillerNewnham ? Lyde millHampshireGB1857-01-08
James & w Mary HUTTONcompanyMillerNewnham ? Lyde millHampshireGB1861-06-02
James & w Mary HUTTONcompanyMillerNewnham ? Lyde millHampshireGB1861-06-02
James & William HolliscompanyTenantBishopstokeHampshireGB
James & William JUDDcompanyMealmanAbbey Mill RomseyHampshireGB1844
Bartrams & Co.companyMember NACAMAldershotHampshireGB1967
BARTON MILL ESTATEcompanySouthampton TestwoodHampshireGB1968
Jas & Wm HolliscompanyTenantsAncient Custom Mill BishopstokeHampshireGB
Jas & Wm HolliscompanyTenantsBishopstokeHampshireGB
Jas & Wm JuddcompanyTenantSaddlers Mill RomseyHampshireGB
BARNEY, S & William Henry & cocompanyMillerBishopstokeHampshireGB18551875
Jewell & ScottcompanyNurslingHampshireGB
John & Ann DAGWELLcompanyMillerHavant millHampshireGB1825-12-13
John & Charlotte STRIPEcompanyMillerHavant Langstone millHampshireGB1819-02-21
John & Charlotte STRIPEcompanyMillerHavant Langstone millHampshireGB1821-05-13
John & Chas LillywhitecompanyUpper Street Mill SteepHampshireGB
John & Ellen LANGTRYcompanyBakerHambledonHampshireGB1863-03-08
John & Ellen LANGTRYcompanyBakerHambledonHampshireGB1863-03-08
John & Fanny (Frances) LANGTREYcompany?millerHambledon MillHampshireGB1797-12-25
John & Fanny (Frances) LANGTREYcompany?millerHambledon MillHampshireGB1803-02-20
John & Fanny (Frances) LANGTREYcompany?millerHambledon MillHampshireGB1805-05-19
John & Fanny (Frances) LANGTREYcompany?millerHambledon MillHampshireGB1808-06-05
John & Fanny (Frances) LANGTREYcompany?millerHambledon MillHampshireGB1811-04-28
John & Fanny LANGTREEcompany?millerHambledon MillHampshireGB1797-12-25
John & Fanny LANGTREYcompany?millerHambledon MillHampshireGB1797-12-25