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Showing results for ( Location equals Gildersome, West Riding of Yorkshire ):


See all of these mills on a map

TitleLocationCountyCountryPower sourceTypeFunctionRiver
Allied Mills, GildersomeGildersome, West Riding of YorkshireYorkshireEnglandTextile mill
Maiden Mills, GildersomeGildersome, West Riding of YorkshireYorkshireEnglandTextile mill
Moorhead Mill, GildersomeGildersome, West Riding of YorkshireYorkshireEnglandTextile mill
Deanhurst Mills, GildersomeGildersome, West Riding of YorkshireYorkshireEnglandTextile mill
St Bernard Mills, GildersomeGildersome, West Riding of YorkshireYorkshireEnglandTextile mill
Highfield Mills, GildersomeGildersome, West Riding of YorkshireYorkshireEnglandFlax mill, Textile mill
Gildersome Mill, GildersomeGildersome, West Riding of YorkshireYorkshireEnglandWindTower millCorn mill