
Bromham Mill, Bromham

A water-powered corn mill in the historic county of Bedfordshire, England.

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Bromham Mill, listed grade II, has been owned and maintained by Bedfordshire County Council since 1973. It is a multi-phase building of stone, brick and half-timbered, standing close to the medieval Bromham bridge with its long causeway. The stone portion of the building bears the date 1858, which probably reflects a rebuilding. There are earlier dates elsewhere but these may relate to flooding events rather than the mill's construction.

Water power was used here regularly until 1930 when a Petter oil engine was installed, after which water power was only used intermittently. After 1935, river levels became too low and the use of the waterwheel was prohibited by the Great Ouse River Board. The river upstream of the mill gradually silted up, and it was only in 1981, when the weir was rebuilt, that water power could again be used to operate the mill.

The building effectively houses two mills under one roof. The restored cast-iron internal waterwheel, manufactured by Ben Anstee of Kempton in 1908, drives two pairs of stones. The principal internal machinery is also of cast iron, with wooden cogs in the great spur wheel and crown wheel. A second waterwheel drove another three pairs of millstones, and these remain in place, although the wheel has been removed.

Bromham mill is looked after by the Friends of Bromham Mill.

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Full details

Power source Water
Mill type Watermill
River Great Ouse
Mill function Corn mill
Archive ID 7784
Location Bromham
Historic county Bedfordshire
Country England, United Kingdom
NGR TL 01069 50685
Latitude/longitude 52.14522800, -0.52436100





Sara and Oscar Jarman, May 2016, January 2017; Colin Smith, June 2016

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