
Asia’s Food Security – Asia’s policymaking process needs overhauling

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Sampathkumar, Raghavan [Author]

    Publisher Milling & Grain
    Year of publication 2018 January

    Medium Digital

    Economics & commerce > Feeding the World


    food security

    Scope & contentBy Raghavan (‘Ragha’) Sampathkumar

    Extending further from the points that were discussed in the previous columns, training and capacity building aimed at reaching hundreds of millions of farmers mainly, smallholders in Asia is certainly a daunting task but certainly not an impossible one. Considering the enormous diversity in terms of cropping pattern, agro-climatic zones, landscapes, transport infrastructure such as roads, communication infrastructure including phone and internet penetration, cultural diversity, social norms, hierarchies, and so on, Asia truly is a complex place to do business….Read more.


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