
“Give us this day our daily bread”: making wheat into flour by hand

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    Authors & editors

    Sebolt, Cynthia [Author]

    Year of publication undated

    Medium Digital

    Energy & power > Muscle power
    Economics & commerce > Feeding the World


    Scope & contentAs agriculture superseded ‘hunter/gatherer’ methods of food production, the need to process grains became more necessary. The husks of most cereals are inedible, and make it difficult to get to the nutrient rich inner seed. By breaking apart the seeds and removing the inedible parts, man developed a way to make wheat into food, most notably flour, the key component of bread, which has been a staple of the diet ever since. With the advent of commercialization and industrialization, making flour moved
    away from the farmer and homestead, and the methods used for small scale manufacture disappeared from common knowledge.

    This paper explores the development of flour milling technology in Europe, and includes information about my own experiments making flour using Iron Age hand milling for living history demonstrations.

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