
Global food industry needs “da Vinci” type creativity

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    Authors & editors

    Sampathkumar, Raghavan [Author]

    Publisher Milling & Grain
    Year of publication 2018 May

    Medium Digital

    Economics & commerce > Feeding the World



    Scope & contentBy Raghavan (‘Ragha’) Sampathkumar

    Every day, newer and innovative applications are opening up and pushing the bar higher in terms of efficiency. For example, connected wearable devices on animals provide real-time data to monitor body temperature, vital signs, feed intake, stress or disease symptoms. All these not only to lead to enhanced productivity but also contribute to improved animal welfare as well. Similarly, soil-planted sensors help farmers measure moisture and nutrient levels in real-time to cut down unnecessary irrigation and fertiliser application. These applications not only lead to huge cost savings but also contribute to environmental sustainability.

    However, the most important question would be: “Who will continue to bring these kinds of ideas to the global food industry in future?”…Read more.


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