William Hill’s recent list of Internet links to mill news includes an uplifiting article in Saga Magazine. In 2004 the...
Looking at this sorry photo, hard to disagree… http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1642454 The report http://www.goolecourier.co.uk/news/Windmill-revamped-by-Morrisons.5956876.jp from the Goole Courier says that Morrisons have applied for...
Author: Tacco Van Geertruyen I am an archaeology student at the university of Ghent (in Belgium) and I’m a bit...
Author: Steve Williams I have created a new website for Lytham Windmill. I keep adding bits now and then! The...
Author: Andy Harris Can you advise on how to find out about this windmill or can anyone identify this? My...
Author: Rob Cumming I recently went down to Bradleys Mill, Speldhurst, near Tunbridge Wells in Kent, and was alarmed to...
Mill Groups and other small organisations will not be able to receive donations by cheque from 2018. The Payments Council...
Author: Jonathan Cook The Traditional Cornmillers Guild has logged an e-petition with No 10 Downing Street to raise our concerns...
Author: Jonathan Cook The Traditional Cornmillers’ Guild asserts that implementation of proposed legislation may cause wind and water mills to...