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Charlwood flour miller or flour mill owner named William Simmons

Author: Dave Simmons Hello from the USA. I wonder if someone may be interested in assisting me…. In the time frame of 1830 to 1867 there lived a flour miller at Charlwood, near Horley, named William Simmons. This is verified by the census records.  His sons included William Simmons, Jr., Leonard O., Alfred A., Archibald A. and…

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Jack and Duncton Windmills up for sale

The two windmills, granary, house and grounds are now up for grabs at £1.45 million. Details on the estate agent’s website: UPDATE FROM THE MID SUSSEX TIMES 3 FEB 2011 English Heritage says it would step in to save Jack for the nation if a buyer cannot be found A spokesman for English Heritage…

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Working on Kent Mills

Author: Geoff Holman Vincent Pargeter is speaking on “Working on Kent MIlls” and Arthur Percival on “The Gunpowder Industry” at the Kent Mills Society Meeting in Faversham, starting at 2pm on Saturday 20 November. Entry is free so do come and join us! The venue is the Faversham Heritage Centre in Preston Street, which is…

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Mystery Five-sailed Mill

Author: Leo van der Drift I was wondering whether anyone could possibly identify the attached windmill.  The photo comes from the Stichting Levende Molens archive at Roosendaal, which focusses on Flanders and the south of The Netherlands. Apart from that, they have some photos from other countries too, including this one. The photo is without any…

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Fire in Sion Mills

Author: Richard Mallett The BBC reported (Oct 30) that “Firefighters have brought under control a blaze at the site of a historic mill in a County Tyrone village” The fire was focused on the front offices of the Mourne mill – the large industrial factories that were occupied between 1989 and 2004 when the last…

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Mystery Post Mill

Author: Michael Yates Within the last few weeks, I have purchased a windmill photo probably dating from about 1920 that shows a post mill with the remains of a roof mounted fantail. I attach a copy of this photo. I have searched my collection of books, postcards and photographs and have found references to at…

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