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Geoff Holman Collection

Geoff Holman. Photo: Colin O’Brien Geoff Holman came from a family of millwrights, the Holmans of Canterbury, and this milling connection in his family sparked a life long interest in traditional mills. His collection, given to the Archive in 2012, contains parts of his family archive as well as his own mill photos and records. Holman Brothers offices,…

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Oldland Mill archive online

The archives of Oldland Windmill, Keymer, have now been made available online. Oldland’s archive collection has been sorted, listed and digitised by mill archivist Peter Sheppard and is now housed at the Mills Archive. Minutes of the mill committee from the 1920s-30s and 1980s-90s and correspondence and documents from the 1970s-1990s are available to view on…

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Union Mill, Cranbrook archive online

The archives of Union Mill in Cranbrook, Kent, collected by the late Wynn Tremenheere, are now available online. The smock mill in Cranbrook was built in 1814 and was owned and worked by the Russell family from 1832 to 1958. It is now a grade I listed visitor attraction maintained by the Cranbrook Windmill Association.…

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The Decline of Wind and Water Mills

1: Overview2: The heyday of mills3: New technology4: Mill preservation Overview There was a time when every village had its wind or watermill; when mills were everywhere – an essential part of the economy. But over the past few centuries they have all but vanished. Slowly, the development of new technology drove traditional mills out…

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