Key to caption credits and abbreviations in text

BLHLBarnet Local History Library
BM British Museum
CMRCalendar of Middlesex Sessions Records (London Metropolitan Archives)
CSP(D)Calendar of State Papers (Domestic) (National Archives)
CCPCourt of Common Pleas (National Archives)
CRCalendar of Charter Rolls (National Archives)
CCRCalendar of Close Rolls (National Archives)
Chan.Chancery (National Archives)
CIPMCalendar Inquisitions Post Mortem (National Archives)
CKBCourt of King’s Bench (National Archives)
CLACricklewood Library & Archives
CLROCity of London Record Office
CPRCalendar of Patent Rolls (National Archives)
Davenport MSS Notes and transcripts by P Davenport, in the possession of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society
DOLRecords of the Duchy of Lancaster (National Archives)
EMCExtra-Mural Collections (per VCH)
EROEssex Record Office
FHMForty Hall Museum
GBGuy Blythman
GL, COLGuildhall Library, Corporation Of London
GLROGreater London Record Office (now London Metropolitan Archives)
HADHackney Archives Department
HarlHarleian MS, British Library     
Hatfield CFEPCecil Family and Estate Papers, Hatfield House, Hertfordshire
HHSHillingdon Heritage Service
HLS, CLLHCHounslow Leisure Services: Chiswick Local History Collection
HOPHome Office Papers (National Archives)
JIPJustices Itinerant Papers (National Archives)
JKMJKenneth Major
LMA (M & P)London Metropolitan Archives (Maps and Prints)
LBELSLondon Borough Of Ealing Library Service
LBOELLondon Borough Of Enfield Libraries
LBRUTLondon Borough Of Richmond-upon-Thames
LBTH, LHLALondon Borough Of Tower Hamlets, Local History Library And Archives
LMALondon Metropolitan Archives (aka London Archives)
L & P Henry VIIILetters and Papers of the reign of Henry VIII (National Archives)
LTALand Tax Assessment (LMA)
LVLLicensed Victuallers’ Lists (LMA)
MarchamW M Marcham, “Digest of Court Rolls and other Records” of Stoke Newington (transcript in Hackney Archives Department)
MLRMiddlesex Land Registry, (London Metropolitan Archives)
MOMrs Margery Orton
MOEMinistry of Education (National Archives)
MOLMuseum Of London
MPCMaps and Plans, LMA
MROMiddlesex Record Office (now London Metropolitan Archives)
MTMMartin T Mason, More About Middlesex Windmills (Middlesex Quarterly Winter 1954)
NANational Archives (formerly Public Record Office)
NA, EExchequer (National Archives)
OCRMrs O Clive-Ross
PCCPrerogative Court of Canterbury (National Archives)
Prob.Probate documents (National Archives)
SBStephen Buckland
SCSpecial Collections, National Archives
SPState Papers, National Archives
TLMASTransactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society
UGUxbridge Gazette
WG, UOMWhitworth Art Gallery, University Of Manchester
WAMWestminster Abbey Muniments 

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