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Martin Watts excavates Somerset watermill with the Time Team

A second Time Team episode featuring a watermill excavation will air this Sunday, 10th April, at 5.30pm on Channel 4.

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“Come and have a look at this, Tony!” Under the guidance of Devon millwright and mill author Martin Watts, the team investigate the site of a lost watermill with local and regional connections. The programme’s researchers inspect local maps and documentary records to try and find out about the people who operated the mill, the reasons for its location here, and why it fell out of use. They investigate the existence of earlier phases of mill on the site upstream and downstream of the known site. Other complete mills in the area provide clues as to what Buck Mill may have been like in its heyday. Presenter Tony Robinson discusses the history of the site and several remarkable finds with Martin Watts, Professor Mick Aston, Phil Harding, Helen Geake, Stewart Ainsworth, Matt Williams and Raksha Dave.  

On air this Sunday, 10th April, at 5.30pm on Channel 4.