Gems of the Archive: Milling About
This week Mildred brought in a number of objects for me to look at, which are interesting examples of the huge variety of different types
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This week Mildred brought in a number of objects for me to look at, which are interesting examples of the huge variety of different types
On my first day at the Mills Archive, my preconceived notions of quaint Dutch windmills were quickly blown away and my eyes opened to the
After being inspired by Dutch millwrighting last week, I was intrigued to explore how other cultures have developed and used similar methods. My research led
Flour has played a crucial role in society for thousands of years. As a staple part of our diets it has an important role in
Hello, it’s me again. Unbelievably I am now halfway through my internship at the Mills Archive (insert obligatory Bon Jovi reference here), and the gem
Since starting at the archive five weeks ago, I have gained a real appreciation for the complexity and skill required to run and maintain these
Mills have been critical to the development of civilisation and play a central role in our culture. Not surprisingly, artists, poets and advertisers have featured
If an army marches on its stomach it is unsurprising that mills have played a crucial role in all manner of conflicts. See items relating
Here at the archives we have a unique collection of the Northwestern Miller stretching from 1897 to 1945. This incredible collection was rebound following a
Mills occupy a hugely significant place in the landscape. It is no wonder then they have inspired numerous artists. See some art related to milling