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Showing results for isle of wight:
See all of these mills on a map
Title | Location | County | Country | Power source | Type | Function | River |
Windmill, Chale, Walpen Manor | Chale, Walpen Manor, Isle of Wight | Hampshire | England | Wind | |||
Windmill, Cheverton Down | Cheverton Down, Isle of Wight | Hampshire | England | Wind | |||
Windmill, Kingston, Shorwell | Kingston, Shorwell, Isle of Wight | Hampshire | England | Wind | |||
Windmill, Newnham | Newnham, Isle of Wight | Hampshire | England | Wind | |||
Windmill, Newport, Kings Field | Newport, Kings Field, Isle of Wight | Hampshire | England | Wind | |||
Windmill, Shalcombe Down | Shalcombe Down, Isle of Wight | Hampshire | England | Wind | |||
Windmill, Shanklyn Down | Shanklyn Down, Isle of Wight | Hampshire | England | Wind | |||
Windmill, Yarmouth | Yarmouth, Isle of Wight | Hampshire | England | Wind | |||
Yafford Mill, Yafford | Yafford, Isle of Wight | Hampshire | England | Water | Watermill | Corn mill |
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