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Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 10Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1995SpringDigital
Bowmans, the independent flour millers with an international reputation for qualityThe Company1995or laterBrochure, leaflet or poster
Wind farms and public opinionDepartment of Trade and Industry1995MayArticle
British Government Panel on Sustainable Development First ReportDepartment of the Environment1995JanuaryBook
Review Supplement: NFF0-3/SRO-1 Results AnnouncedDepartment of Trade and Industry1995FebruaryBook
European wind turbine catalogueEuropean Commission1995estimatedBook
View from a Sussex millFord, Bob; Skinner, Jim1995AugustBook
Quality of western Canadian wheat exportsTipples, K HCanadian Grain Commission1995AprilBook
Nabim Wheat GuideNational Association of British & Irish Millers (nabim)1995-2015Brochure, leaflet or poster
De Windmotor als Poldergemaal in FrieslandBergstra, J; Hengs, W DThe author1995Book
Blackpowder manufacture in CumbriaPatterson, Edward M; Simmons, JackFaversham Society1995Book
British blast furnace statistics: 1790-1980Owen, John G; Riden, PhilipMerton Priory Press1995Book
Grinton mines: (including Fremington and Ellerton)Spensley, I M; Tyson, L O; White, R FNorthern Mine Research Society1995Book
Moulins racontent le MorvanLandry, PhilippeAssociation Moulins du Morvan1995Book
Quarry Bank Mill & Styal: a souvenir guidebookGuy, John; Hobbs, DavidAddax Retail1995Book
Scythemill: Belbroughton [DVD]Jones, David HDavid H Jones1995Recording
Only mill in town: the story of the pail-making industry in Richmond, New HampshireMartin, Richard AFriends of Historic Richmond1995Book
Mines et les forges des Cisterciens en Champagne méridionale et en Bourgogne du Nord XIIe-XVe siècleVerna, CatherineAssociation pour l'Edition et la Diffusion des Etudes Historiques1995Book
Rebirth of Woodchurch windmillAnthony, CecilGeerings of Ashford1995Book
Lee Valley Park: Stratford's hidden heritage: a riverside walk from Three MillsField, TaniaLee Valley Regional Park Authority1995Book
Heage windmillGifford, AlanDerbyshire County Council1995Book
Historic Melingriffith: an account of Pentyrch iron works and Melingriffith tinplate worksChappell, Edgar LMerton Priory Press1995Book
Early water powered mills of the Des Plaines River and its tributaries, Illinois,: vol. 1. Cook, DuPage and Lake CountiesVierling, Philip EIllinois Country Outdoor Guides1995Book
Crabble mill: how it worksKillberry, IanInvicta Media for Crabble Corn Mill Trust1995Book
Dai the mill: miner, sailor, miller & fisherman, lifeboat coxwainLewis, D JMerrivale1995Book
White windmill, Sandwich: a technical guideHarlow, R SThe author1995Book
London Topographical Record Vol XXVIISaunders, Ann LoreilleLondon Topographical Society1995Symposium Transactions
Les Eoliennes BolleeGaucheron, Andre; Major, J KennethFederation Française des Amis des Moulins1995Book
Wind energy comes of ageGipe, PaulJohn Wiley1995Book
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1995 Seventeenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopHalliday, J AMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1995Symposium Transactions
ExternE: Externalities of Energy Vol.6 Wind & HydroBerry, Jacquie; Holland, MikeEuropean Commission1995Book
Bonawe Iron Furnace; the official souvenir guideHay, Geoffrey D; Stell, Geoffrey PHistoric Scotland1995Book
Wind Energy Comes of AgeJohn Wiley & Sons Ltd.1995Book
ExternE: Externalities of Energy Vol.1 SummaryBerry, Jacquie; Holland, MikeEuropean Commission1995Book
Muhle und KleiekotzerKauss, Dieter1995Book
Waltham Abbey Royal Gunpowder Mills: From Closure to Disclosure; The beneficial re-use of one of Europe's most important monumentsPrince Research Consultants1995Brochure, leaflet or poster
Gunpowder Manufacture at Faversham. Oare and Marsh Factories.Patterson, Edward MFaversham Society1995Book
Blackpowder Manufacture in CumbriaPatterson, Edward MFaversham Society1995Book
Penryn windmillsArnoldi, PatrickThe author1995Book
New ReviewDepartment of Trade and Industry1995Book
It's a breeze: a guide to choosing windpowerPiggott, HughCentre for Alternative Technology1995Book
In search of "Fairbairn's Silent Machinery"Strong, Brian1995Manuscript/Typescript
Pumps as turbines; a user's guideWilliams, ArthurIntermediate Technology Publications1995Book
Mostert's Mill, CapetownWalton, JamesFriends of Mostert's Mill1995Book
Outsider's guide to crop production: the book for anyone ploughing into agriculture at any timeOutsider's Guide1995Book
Bateman'sNational Trust1995Book
Guide to the industrial archaeology of South YorkshireBayliss, Derek AAssociation for Industrial Archaeology1995Book
Moulins de France (Hardback)Azéma, Jean-Pierre HenriÉditions Ouest-France1995Book
Wind mill database: EnglandBryan, Anthony A (Tony)The author1995Book
Carte des minoteries de France en 1938Federation Française des Amis des Moulins1995Article