Moulins de France (Hardback)
Full details
English title | Mills of France |
Authors & editors | |
Publisher | Éditions Ouest-France |
Year of publication | 1995 |
Languages | French (main text) |
Medium | Book |
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 2737317223 |
Topics | |
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Scope & content | Summary Translation A guide to mills around France. Includes sections on individual regions/ areas of France. Gives the names of each known mill in the area; their geographical location, their usage, date of construction where possible, if/when they are open to the public, and a brief description. Includes a key to the symbols used in the books written in both French and English. However, the rest of the book is written in French. Includes oil mills, fortified mills, paper mills, textile mills, Restaurant-Inn, listed monument, museums, cider mills, tide mill, animal-powered mill.Introduction- gives a brief introduction from the Fédération française des Amis des Moulins. Includes a section on general pieces of information on the purpose of the book, and different types of mills. Includes a section on water mills and the different types; those with horizontal wheels, vertical wheels. Also includes a section on other types of mill, including tidal mills oil and paper mills. Gives more information on windmills- including a brief description of the main types of windmill, e.g. the Moulin-Cavier, which is native, and only found in, the Anjou region. List of Regions: Nord-Picardie, Normandie-Bretagne, Val de Loire-Poitou, Beauce- Ile-de-France, Bourgogne, Est, Aquitaine-Limousin, Massif Central-Languedoc, Provence-Savoie. Includes photographs. |
Copies held
Accession no. 229503
- Shelf location: C111-AZE
- Donor: Ken Major Collection
- Notes: Hardback copy with loose "addenda no 3" by the author
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Accession no. 230435
- Shelf location: Reserve
- Notes: Soft back copy