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Die Hüvener MühleRöttgers, Hermann1983Book
Alternative Energy Sources for the centralised generation of electricityTaylor, R HAdam Hilger Ltd.1983Book
Windmills study folderAvoncroft Museum of Buildings1983Education pack
Ayrshire hone-stones: water of Ayr and Tam O'Shanter hone works at Stair and the history of the industry in BritainTucker, D GordonAyrshire Archaeological and Natural History Society1983Book
Victorian and Edwardian windmills and watermills from old photographsMajor, J Kenneth; Watts, MartinBatsford1983Book
Water Powered Flour Mills in NebraskaBuecker, Thomas RBebraska State Historical Society1983Book
Bromham mill, Bedford: a brief description of the watermill and village of BromhamBedfordshire County Council1983Book
Bedfordshire millsHowes, HughBedfordshire County Council1983Book
Old windmill of Brisbane TownBoolarong Publications1983Book
Hämmer und Schleifkotten im Gelpetal: der Industrie-Geschichtspfad "Historisches Gelpetal" ergänzt durch Erläuterungen und AbbildungenViebahn, EgonBorn-Verlag Wuppertal1983Book
Common Sense Wind EnergyKahn, RobertBrick House Publishing Co Inc, SAndover, Massachusetts1983Book
Proceedings of the 1983 Fifth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopMusgrove, PeterCambridge University Press1983Symposium Transactions
Changing FenlandDarby, H CCambridge University Press1983Book
Denne's mill remembered: 50th anniversary of fire souvenir publicationMcKean, SylviaCanterbury Urban Studies Centre1983Brochure, leaflet or poster
Analysis of generation costsCentral Electricity Generating Board1983FebruaryBook
Water power in the Dyfi valleyAshby, MartinCentre for Alternative Technology1983Book
Cornmill sites in Cheshire 1066-1850 Part II - gazetteer of sites recorded 1087-1485Bott, OliverCheshire History1983No 11 (Summer) pp 52-65Article
Place mill: an account of the restoration of a Saxon watermillCox, Reginald A; Tyhurst, M FrankChristchurch Borough Council1983Book
Twenty-one books of devices and of machines Vol 2: General introductionGarcia-Diego, Jose AColegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos1983Book
Benoit Fourneyron et l’invention de la turbine hydraulique. mémoire de D.E.A. 1983Deleage, J PDEA Science, Technologie, Société CNAM- Université Paris I1983Book
Stott Park bobbin mill: an industrial museumAyris, Ian; White, PeterDepartment of the Environment1983Book
Windmills and pumps of the southwestAllen, Bill; Hays, DickEakin Press1983Book
Pierre Roullet, la vie d’un meunierRivals, ClaudeEditions Jeanne Laffitte1983Book
Aythorpe Roding Post MillEssex County Council1983Brochure, leaflet or poster
Our industrial past: The National Trust guide toBurton, AnthonyGeorge Philip1983Book
Quality synthesisGolfetto1983Book
David Dale of New Lanark: a bright luminary to ScotlandMcLaren, David JHeatherbank press1983Book
Transformation of a valley: the Derbyshire DerwentCooper, BrianHeinemann1983Book
New Abbey cornmillHume, John R; Tabraham, C JHMSO1983Book
Tecnologia tradicional Portuguesa: sistemas de moagemGalhano, Fernando; Oliveira, Ernesto Veiga de; Pereira, BenjamimInstituto Nacional de Investigacao Cientifica1983Book
Micro hydro electric powerHolland, RayIntermediate Technology Publications1983Book
Penfolds of Arundel agricultural engineers, 1833-1983: a history of 150 years service to farmersPenfold, FJames Penfold Ltd1983Book
Stronger than a hundred men: a history of the vertical water wheelReynolds, Terry SJohn Hopkins University Press1983Book
Leicestershire archaeology: the present state of knowledge; Volume 3 Industrial archaeology.Palmer, MarilynLeicestershire Museums, Art Galleries and Records Service1983Book
Lucas alternator model 17ACRLucas Electrical Co Ltd, Solihull1983Manuscript/Typescript
Moulins en BéarnL’Association pour la Sauvegarde des Sites et Ensembles Monumentaux des Pyrénées-Atlantiques1983Book
Fenland boyhood: a fenman remembers the pastimes, skills and landscapes of a lost paradiseWells, ElijahMildenhall Museum Publications1983Book
Mills Research Group Conference Proceedings 1983-2000Mills Research Group1983- 2000Journal
Watermills of South WalesJones, David HMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Underground Mills in IranHarverson, MichaelMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Mills on the Rivers Cray and DarentCumming, RobMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Italian WatermillsFreedman, AlanMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Doorways Opening off the Stone Floor in Smock and Tower MillsJarvis, Paul SMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
First Mills Research Conference ProceedingsBreckels, DuncanMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Mill PoetryNorchi (m Bryan), Philippa BMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Small Computers for Mill Record SystemsBryan, Anthony A (Tony)Mills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Note on the Military Use of Mills; Food supply and strategic aspectsOrgan, MichaelMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Rarest Tide MillPlunkett, DavidMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Molenecho'sMolenzorg vzw (The Mill Care Foundation)1983Journal
Water-mills of the Middle Wye valley: The River Wye and its tributaries Monmouth-Hereford-HayCoates, S D; Tucker, D GordonMonmouth District Museum Service1983Book