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Showing results for ( Year equals 1980 ):

Publications (Library)

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Le Pain et le Sel; Vues aeriennesGerster, GeorgArthaud1980Book
Costs of producing electricityCentral Electricity Generating Board1980JUlyBrochure, leaflet or poster
Power from sea wavesCount, BAcademic Press1980Book
Proceedings of the Second BWEA Wind Energy Workshop April 1980Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd.1980Symposium Transactions
Catalogue of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoils in the Reynolds number range 10(4)-10(6)Hageman, AndreEindhoven University of Technology1980JulyBook
Energie Eolienne: Theorie, conception et practique des installationsLe Gourieres, DesireEyrolles, Paris1980Book
Collection of papers from the Centre for Alternative TechnologyCentre for Alternative Technology1980approximatelyUnbound documents
Growing wheat and making bread on a small scaleCoates, H L T (Hugh); Stanford, J RThorsons Publishers Ltd1980Book
Helical sail windmillVITA Volunteers in Technical Assistance1980Book
Complete book of sandwichesWarren, JanetFlour Advisory Bureau1980Book