
Collection of papers from the Centre for Alternative Technology

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Publisher Centre for Alternative Technology
    Year of publication 1980 approximately

    Medium Unbound documents

    Energy & power > Wind power
    Energy & power > Solar power


    Centre for Alternative Technology

    Scope & contentVarious dates 1979-1985 see Divisions below for a list

    Copies held

    Accession no. 231050

    • Shelf location: F850-CAT2
    • Donor: Roy Gregory Collection

    Divisions within this publication

    • 1: Wind power utilisation
    • 2: Wind resources list
    • 3: Experience with wind power at CAT
    • 4: 5W wind generator (DIY Plan 1)
    • 5: Solar heating systems
    • 6: Details to note when buying a solar panel or building and fitting your own
    • 7: Solar energy
    • 8: Solar energy resources list
    • 9: DIY solar controller
    • 10: Pumping wind mill (Savonius) - (DIY Plan 3)
    • 11: Solar water heater (DIY Plan 4)
    • 12: Sail windmill (Cretan) Parts 1 & 2 (DIY Plan 5)
    • 13: Aspects of small windmill design (RW Todd August 1979)
    • 14: Folder of further design material

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