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Publications (Library)

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Moulins à vent en AnjouEnguehard, Henri; Maudonnet, PaulEdition de l'Auteur Aux Nautlets d'Anjou1976Book
Berney Arms millWailes, RexDepartment of the Environment1976Brochure, leaflet or poster
Molens: Zoals ze Waren en Zoals ik hen heb Gekend: vang, voering en palSipman, AntonDe Walburg Pers1976Book
Great level: a history of drainage and land reclamation in the FensSummers, DorothyDavid & Charles1976Book
Industrial archaeology of StaffordshireSherlock, RobertDavid & Charles1976Book
Industrial archaeology in DevonMinchinton, WalterDarlington Amenity Research Trust1976Book
Energy research: Alternative strategies for development of new energy technologies and their implications for the federal budgetDowd, Richard M; Timenes (Jr), Nicolai; Wentzel, Kendrick WCongress of the United States: Congressional Budget Office1976Book
History of Churchill and BlakedownSwabey, E J DChurchill and Blakedown Parish Council1976Book
Canadian Grains for Dairy Cattle - or laterCanada Grains Council1976Book
Early mills, roads and industries in Brookhaven TownBrookhaven Town Bicentennial Commission1976Book
History of corn milling Part 1: c.1750-1914, with special reference to south central and south eastern EnglandFreeman, M DianeBritish Library, British Thesis Service1976Book
History of corn milling Part 2: c. 1750-1914, with special reference to south central and south eastern EnglandFreeman, M DianeBritish Library, British Thesis Service1976Book
Archaeology of industryHudson, KennethBook Club Associates1976Book
Rosmolens in de Westvlaamse kuststreek: Bokrijkse berichten XIIIDevliegher, LucBiekorf1976Book
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wind Energy SystemsBHRA Fluid Engineering1976Book
Industrial archaeology of Scotland: 1. The Lowlands and BordersHume, John RBatsford1976Book
Victorian and Edwardian Cambridgeshire from old photographsReeve, F AB.T. Batsford1976Book
Advanced Wind Energy Systems: Workshop Proceedings. Volume 11976Book
Advanced Wind Energy Systems: Workshop Proceedings. Volume 21976Book