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Poetry of paper: an anthology of papermaking verseStanyon, MichaelFrogmore Mill2011Book
Flatford: Constable countrySt John, IanSuffolk Walker2000Book
Seeds of DoubtSpecter, MichaelNew Yorker Annals of Science2014August 18Digital
Mati Nasa Daj Nam Danes Nas Vsakdanji Kruh! O izdelovanju prodaji in rabi zrmelj vodmaknjenih SlovenjieSmerdel, InjaEthnology2012no 12 pp141-225Thesis/Report
Brewers' house: a concise guideSmekens, FransCity of Antwerp Archaeological MuseumsBook
Historic buidling controls and grantsSlocombe, MatthewSPAB2002Book
Jacob van Ruisdael: windmills and water millsSlive, SeymourJ. Paul Getty Museum2011Book
Special CollectionsSlessor, Catherine; Wright, ClareWright & Wright Architects2018Book
Windmills and windmill weightsSites, Donald ECornelius Z Friesen & Ken O'Brock1994Book
Windmills and windmill weightsSites, Donald EThe author1977Book
Molenbouw: Het Staande Werk van de BovenkruiersSipman, AntonDe Walburg Pers1975Book
Find your Why: A practical guide for discovering purpose for you and your teamSinek, SimonPortfolio2017Book
Start with Why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take actionSinek, SimonPortfolio2009Book
Woodchurch windmill: windmills and windmill girlsSinclair, Pamela1958Book
Windmill weightsSimpson, MiltJohnson & Simpson1985Book
Paper Mills and Paper Makers In England 1495-1800/ Monumenta Chartae Papyraceae Historiam Illustrantia or Collection of Works and Documents Illustrating the History of Paper- VIShorter, Alfred HPaper Publications Society, Holland1957Book
In the Public InterestShorland-Ball, RobTIMS1979Article
Worsbrough mill museumShorland-Ball, RobSouth Yorkshire County Council1978Book
Managing records; a handbook of principles and practiceShepherd, Elizabeth; Yeo, GeoffreyFacet Publishing2003Book
Frank Meadow Sutcliffe: Photographer a third selectionShaw, MichaelSutcliffe Gallery1990Book
Historic buildings in Norfolk: Corn mills draft consultation reportShaw, J MNorfolk County Council1991Book
Der volle SackSellschopp, Ekkehardprivately printedBook
Il faut sauver nos vieux moulinsSébillot, Paul-YvesGrassin1967Book
Directory of Agricultural Machinery and Implement Makers in WalesScourfield, ElfynNational Museum of WalesBook
Agricultural implement makersScourfield, ElfynWelsh Folk Museum1983Book
Hundred years a-milling: commemorating an Ulster mill centenaryScott, William MaddinW. & C. Scott1951Book
Wills and other probate recordsScott, MiriamPRO Publications1997Book
Douai Abbey Library: a short history and guideScott, GeoffreyWeldon Press2017Book
Mill architectureScoffham, StephenCrabble Corn Mill Trust1990Brochure, leaflet or poster
Small is beautiful: a study of economics as if people matteredSchumacher, E FBlond & Briggs1973Article
WindmühlenbauSchnelle, WernerVerlag für Bauwesen, Berlin1991Book
Mühlenbau – Wasserräder und Windmühlen bewahren und erhaltenSchnelle, WernerVerlag Bauwesen1999Book
Alte Mühlen in Mythen, Märchen und ErzählungenSchlender, TimurKnaur1988Book
De standerdmolen: Bouw, geschiedenis, verschijningsvormen en bedieningswijze van Nederlands oudste windmolentypeScheirs, Jan; Tijman, Erik; Zweers, DickUitgeverij Matrijs1994Book
Versatile millstone workhorse of many industriesSass, JonSPOOM1984Book
Saundersons: Millwrights and engineers of Louth, LincolnshireSass, JonThe Mills Archive Trust2017Book
Luttrell village: country life in the early fourteenth centurySancha, SheilaWilliam Collins & Son1982Book
Norddeutsche MühlensagenRump, ReinerOtto Heinevetter1986Book
Village carpenterRose, WalterCambridge University Press1946Book
Dust Storms, Grasshoppers, Race, Gender and War – 1930-1939 (The Northwestern Miller)Rose, StarlinaThe Mills Archive Trust2023Book
Women in the Northwestern Miller magazineRose, StarlinaThe Mills Archive Trust2024March 8Digital
Marin collectionRoberts, Niall2004Manuscript/Typescript
Tibby's MillRoberts, J F (Jo)The authorBook
Functional tradition: in early industrial buildingsRichards, J MArchitectural Press1958Book
Alternative initiatives in Berlin; Evironmental issues and employmentReuther-Greaves, RenateOpen University Technology Policy Group1993DecemberThesis/Report
Windmills of Suffolk: Illustrations of the remaining windmills of SuffolkRegan, DeanDean Regan1997Book
Women and Slavery in the Caribbean : A Feminist PerspectiveReddock, Rhoda ELatin American Perspectives198512 pp 63-80Digital
Country House LibraryPurcell, MarkYale University Press2017Book
Miller's daughter: a portrait of a Norfolk miller and his familyPotter, NancyLarks Press1998Book
Houghton mill: cat and rat trailPolge, HeatherNational Trust2001Book