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Windmills below the sea: a commercial reality soon?Fraenkel, PeterreFOCUS2004March/April pp 46-50Article
Milling and millwrightingWatts, MartinSPAB2004Article
Estate ruins as loci for industrial archaeology in JamaicaSatchell, Veront MIndustrial Archaeology Review2004XXVI (1) 37-44Article
Axial flux alternator windmill plans; January 2004 updatePiggott, HughThe author2004Book
Wimbledon windmill: history and guidePlastow, NormanWimbledon Windmill Museum Trust2004Book
Gunpowder: a history of the explosive that changed the worldKelly, JackAtlantic Books2004Book
Lincolnshire's industrial heritage: a guideWright, NeilSociety for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology2004Book
Listed buildings at the Royal Gunpowder Mills, Waltham Abbey: history and industrial archaeologyTucker, LesFriends Association of the Royal Gunpowder Mills2004Book
Floss on the Mill: The re-awakening of a watermillGreenhow, DesnaHobnob Press2004Book
Quiet valley with a busy pastWoodman, MichaelThe author2004Book
Mills in the medieval economy: England 1300-1540Langdon, JohnOxford University Press2004Book
Guide des moulins en FranceCandoré, AnnieHoray2004Book
Windpower principles: their application on the small scaleCalvert, N GCalvert Technical Press2004Book
Wind PowerGipe, PaulJames & James2004Book
Vindmoller og Vandmoller i Danmark Bind 2Lebech-Sorensen, Anna MarieSkib Forlag2004Book
Mills OpenWoodward-Nutt, JamesSPAB2004Book
Annual Report and Accounts 2003/04National Grid Transco2004Book
Dunlite Type BP (2KW) Blades2004Book
AWEP3.6 Wind generatorAbundant Renewable Energy, Oregon2004SeptemberBook
Blackbeck Gunpowder Works, Cumbria: an archaeological and archaeological surveyBerry, Tony; Dunn, Christopher; Goodall, Ian; Hunt, AbbyEnglish Heritage2004Book
Lowwood Gunpowder Works and Ironworks and the workers' hamlet of Low Wood, Cumbria: an archaeological and architectural surveyBerry, Tony; Dunn, Christopher; Fradgley, Nigel; Goodall, Ian H; Jecock, Marcus; Sinton, Philip; Taylor, SimonEnglish Heritage2004Book
Art and Flour: a worldwide gallery of flour sacksPaetsch, MartinVolkmar Wymol2004Book
Green Park (Reading Business Park): Phase 2 Excavations 1995 - Neolithic and Bronze Age SitesAllen, Carol; Brossler, Adam; Early, RobertOxford Archaeological Unit2004Book
Tide mill WoodbridgeWeaver, Michael AFriends of Woodbridge Tide Mill2004Book
Great Laxey MineScarffe, AndrewManx Heritage Foundation2004Book
Environmental PolicyRoberts, JaneRoutledge2004Book
Wind Energy: The Facts. An Analysis of Wind Energy in the EU-25European Wind Energy Association2004Book
Wind PowerJames & James2004Book
Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable FutureBoyle, GodfreyOxford University Press2004Book
Heage windmill: guide bookBlower, Colin; Gifford, Alan; Walker, GraemeHeage Windmill Society2004Book
Guide to the industrial archaeology of Hertfordshire and the Lea ValleyCarr, Bob; Smith, TimAssociation for Industrial Archaeology2004Book
Unterwegs im Vulkanpark: Ein geologischer, pflanzenkundlicher und kulturgeschichtlicher Streifzug durch Mendig, Bell, Rieden, Thür und VolkesfeldMeyer, Wilhelm; Schumacher, Karl-HeinzGörres Verlag, Koblenz2004Book
Windmill tales: stories from the American Wind Power CenterHalladay, Steve; Harris, Coy F; Meinzer, WymanTexas Tech University Press2004Book
James Brindley: canal pioneerRichardson, ChristineWaterways World Ltd.2004Book
Information: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mühlenkunde und MühlenerhaltungAnon, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mühlenkunde und Mühlenerhaltung2004Book
Dartmoor: images of EnglandGreeves, TomTempus2004Book
Nether Alderley millBoucher, Cyril T GNational Trust2004Book
Moulins de l’Hérault. (de Ganges à Agde)Cooman, Mentor dePatrimoine/ Etudes & Communication Editions2004Book
Handbuch Windenergie TechnikCrome, Horstökobuch2004Book
Place, memory and time: essays commemorating the tricentennial of the Nathaniel Newlin Grist Mill 1704-2004Sellers, M N S; Wallace, A F C; Woodfin, H DNicholas Newlin Press2004Book
Au temps des moulins à ventGuilbaud, JeanAlan Sutton2004Book
Description of Stretham Old Engine 1831Hinde, K S GStretham Engine Preservation Trust2004Book
Vandens malūnai Rytų LietuvojeBaubonis, Zenonas; Morkūnas, Eligijus Juvencijus; Vaitkuvienė, AgnėKultūros Paveldo -- Išsaugojimo Pajėgos2004Book
Moulins du Cuir et de la Peau: Moulins à tan et à chamoiser en France XIIe-XXe SiècleAzéma, Jean-Pierre HenriCreer2004Book
Through the mill: the life of Joseph Rank; 150th Anniversary editionBurnett, R GJoseph Rank Trust2004Book
De Middelste Molen bij Cabauw: Vijfhonderdvijftig jaar molens in het waterschap Lopik, Lopikerkapel en ZevenhovenAlkemade, Rob; Stoop, ErikUitgeverij Thoth2004Book
Guide to the United States patents for windmills and wind engines, 1793-1950Baker, T LindsayTIMS2004Book
Story of Heage windmill: the display panelsBlower, ColinHeage Windmill Society2004Book
Up in the wind: WindmillsAshley, PeterEnglish Heritage2004Book
Windmills at work in East SussexChapman, Brigid; Finch, Maurice LawsonSB Publications2004Book