
Mills in the medieval economy: England 1300-1540

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Langdon, John [Author]

    Publisher Oxford University Press
    Year of publication 2004

    English (main text)

    Medium Book

    Wind & watermills > England
    Economics & commerce > Data & reviews
    Energy & power > Windmills
    Energy & power > Watermills



    Scope & contentThe author uses a computerised ananlysis of the number and variety of mills in England from 1300 to 1540 to reveal the structure and evolution of the medieval milling industry.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 22774

    • Shelf location: F120-LAN

    Divisions within this publication

    • 1: The milling industry about 1300
    • 2: Mill numbers and revenues 1300-1540
    • 3: The technology of the late medieval English milling industry
    • 4: The operation of milling (ts performance, capacity and supplies
    • 5: Entrepreneurs (Lords, the Demesne Sector and Tenants
    • 6: Workers and customers including case law related to the effect of 'Suit of Mill' and other medieval milling practices
    • 7: Appendices: Mill computer programme; manors sampled for the mill computer programme
    • 8: Mills and their revenues on the medieval manor at Birdbrook, Essex 1292-1516
    • 9: Construction of a new windmill at Burstwick, Yorkshire
    • 10: Survey of the windmill at Lawling, Essex
    • 11: Construction of a new horse-mill at Ivinghoe, Oxfordshire 1408-1409
    • 12: Multure rates
