Search Start a new search You can also directly search our Archive catalogue of images and documents. Showing results for ( Year equals 1996 ): Publications (Library) Search publications by topic TitleContributorsPublisherYearBatchDescripMedium Moulins et meuniers carolingiens dans les polyptyques entre Loire et Rhin: Mills and millers in the Carolingian polyptychs between the Loire and RhineChampion, EtienneVulcain / AEDEH1996BookOld Derby silk mill and its rivals: an illustrated historyButterton, HarryThe author1996BookTechnology of gunpowder making in the 18th century, evidence from the Bristol region (BJ Buchanan)Buchanan, Brenda JNewcomen Society1996ArticleGunpowder: the history of an international technologyBuchanan, Brenda JBath UP1996BookTravailler au moulin / Werken met Molens: Working with millsBruggeman, Jean; Coutant, Yves; Denewet, LievenEditions ARAM Nord, Pas-de-Calais1996BookWatermills and windmills of MiddlesexBlythman, GuyBaron Birch1996BookForges de Syam: JuraBlandin, Patrick; Claerr-Roussel, Christiane; Desgranchamps, Guy; Mairot, Philippe; Poupard, LaurentInventaire General SPADEM1996BookOcean wave energy in the South Pacific; the resource and its utilisationBarstow, Stephen F; Falnes, JohannesSOPAC Secretariat1996NovemberThesis/ReportFaden's map of NorfolkBarringer, J C; Faden, WilliamLarks Press1996BookLa grande histoire des scieurs de LongArnoult, AnnieAuto Edition AAA1996BookLeezdorfer Mühle 1896-1996Anon, 1996BookWind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1996 Eighteenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopAnderson, MikeMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1996Symposium TransactionsAiles Berton: le succès d'une inventionAmary, J F; Cussonneau, Christian; Gibbings, C; Porcher, Christian; Raclin, M; Rivals, ClaudeLes Cahiers De l’Ama1996BookWind Energy in America: A HistoryUniversity of Oklahoma Press1996BookTranasactions of the Newcomen Society for the study of the history of engineering and technologyNewcomen Society1996JournalLowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 11Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1996SpringDigitalMascot Roller MillsRessler Mill Foundation1996Brochure, leaflet or posterWave energy project results; Exploitation of tidal marine currentsEuropean Commission1996Book1996 Second European Wave Power Conference: Proceedings of the Lisbon International ConferenceEuropean Commission1996BookSmall wind power systems, London 1996Institution of Electrical Engineers1996October 23Symposium TransactionsHampshire / Southampton University Industrial Archaeological Society JournalHampshire Industrial Archaeology Group1996to 2017JournalFunds for Historic Buildings in England and Wales: A Directory of SourcesArchitectural Heritage Fund1996BookGunpowder Mills of FernileeJoyce Winfield1996Book12v DC to 240v AC Trapezoidal converterJemmet Engineering, Pinner Middlesex1996BookDarrieus wind generatorJemmet Engineering, Pinner Middlesex1996BookLow cost wind generator battery chargerJemmet Engineering, Pinner Middlesex1996BookBarnham windmillBarnham Windmill Supporters Group1996BookSomerset's industrial heritageSomerset Industrial Archaeology Society1996BookDaily grind: a simple discovery guide to mill technologyHeatherslaw Mill Trust1996Book Posts navigation Previous12