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Showing results for ( Year equals 1992 ):
Publications (Library)
Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Ford at the time of the Waterfords: 1822-1907 | Joicey, James | Northumberland County Library | 1992 | Book | |
Moulins de provence histoire des moulins a farine de Lorgues.: Moulins de provence | Kraemer, Jaques | Association Régionale des Amis des Moulins de Provence | 1992 | Book | |
Sugar mills in Southern Spain | Lavandera, Efrén Fernández | The author | 1992 | Book | |
Lester Pelton and the Pelton water wheel | Lescohier, Roger P | The author | 1992 | Book | |
Little of my Life | Luck, Lucy | Dacorum Museum | 1992 | Book | |
Guide to dust explosion preventon and protection; Part 1 Venting | Lunn, Geoff | Institution of Chemical Engineers | 1992 | Book | |
Rex Wailes: an appreciation of his work | Major, J Kenneth | SPAB | 1992 | Book | |
High-tech fantasies; Science parks in society, science and space | Massey, Doreen; Quintas, Paul; Wield, David | Routledge | 1992 | Book | |
Glimpses of old Patcham | Mead, Geoffrey; Ryman, Ernest | Dyke Publications | 1992 | Book | |
Anglo-Saxon watermill at Tamworth: Excavations in the Bolebridge Street area of Tamworth, Staffordshre in 1971 and 1978 | Meeson, Robert; Rahtz, Philip | Council for British Archaeology | 1992 | Book | |
Report on farming in the eastern counties of England 1990/91 | Murphy, M C | Agricultural Economics Unit, University of Cambridge | 1992 | Book | |
Story of Patcham mill | Musgrave, George H | The author | 1992 | Book | |
Historic Eelbeck community: Fort Benning, Chattahoochee County, Georgia | Oakley, Carey B; Smith, Julie B | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | 1992 | Book | |
Wind Grist Mills on Aquidneck Island | Pannagio, Leonard J | Middletown Historical Society | 1992 | Book | |
Windmills | Parker, Althea; Parker, Edward | AC Black | 1992 | Book | |
Brock Bottoms: a history of the mill and the community | Parker, S | Lancashire County Books | 1992 | Book | |
Scotsbridge mill, Rickmansworth: a brief history | Parrott, E V | Three Rivers Museum Society | 1992 | Book | |
Mines of Dartmoor and the Tamar valley after 1913 | Richardson, P H G | Northern Mine Research Society | 1992 | Book | |
Horizontal sugar mills | Roberts, Niall | Mills Research Group | 1992 | - | Digital |
Die Mühlen in Stormarn | Rump, Reiner | Otto Heinevetter | 1992 | Book | |
History of floating mills on the tidal Thames | Sisitka, Josef S | The author | 1992 | Book | |
Casual ramblings concerning the waterways of early Reading and those in peril on the canal | Spring, Gordon | The author | 1992 | Book | |
Going with the grain: the story of Doltons, 1792-1992 | Stokes, Penelope | H Dolton & Son Ltd | 1992 | Book | |
Fabricas Hidraulicas Españolas | Tascon, Ignacio Gonzàlez | Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Urbanismo | 1992 | Book | |
Review of Wave Energy, Volume 1 Main Report | Thorpe, T W | Energy Technology Support Unit (ETSU) | 1992 | December | Thesis/Report |
Greenside: a tale of Lakeland miners | Tyler, Ian | Red Earth Publications | 1992 | Book | |
Wells and pumps | Vince, John | Sorbus | 1992 | Book | |
Bread and butter | Vince, John | Sorbus | 1992 | Book | |
Assessment of the progress of tidal power within the UK | Watson, Walter | Open University Technology Policy Group | 1992 | November | Thesis/Report |
Windmühle Mösloh | Wormuth, Rüdiger | Vereinigung zur Erhaltung der Wind- und Wassermühlen in Niedersachsen und Bremen | 1992 | Book | |
Wassermühle Harrienstedtv | Wormuth, Rüdiger | Vereinigung zur Erhaltung der Wind- und Wassermühlen in Niedersachsen und Bremen | 1992 | Book | |
Barry mill | Zealand, Adrian; Zealand, Gillian | National Trust for Scotland | 1992 | Book |