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Abbott windmill collectionBuckland, J S PNewcomen Bulletin1988August (141) p18Article
Die Kulturgeschichte der MühlenMager, Johannes; Meissner, Günter; Orf, WolfgangEdition Leipzig1988Book
Schetsen van PapierwatermolensNijhof, PBuhrmann Ubbens Papier1988Book
Ringsted vindmølleHeltoft, KjeldPBI Holding, Ringsted1988Book
Guide Netherlands open-air museum ArnhemBos, J MUitgeverij Special Images1988Book
Windmills and millers of BrightonDawes, H TSussex Industrial Archaeology Society1988Book
Guide to the industrial archaeology of the Swansea regionHughes, Stephen; Reynolds, PaulAssociation for Industrial Archaeology1988Book
History of J. & W. Attlee Ltd of DorkingBennett, AlecJ. & W. Attlee Ltd1988Book
Cragside: the power circuitAspden, AlanNational Trust1988Book
Illustrated hand book of James Leffel's improved double turbine water wheel for 1883 and 1884Leffel, JamesSociety for the Preservation of Old Mills1988Book
Nether Alderley mill: CheshireBoucher, Cyril T GNational Trust1988Book
Los molinos: cultura y tecnologiaElias, Luis VicenteCentro de investigacion y animacion etnografica1988Book
Papermaking in Britain 1488-1988: a short historyHills, Richard LAthlone Press1988Book
Sleepy MeeseRobinson, D HWaine Research1988Book
Goin' down t' th' mill: 101-year diary of the ancient Brough millEyre, WilliamWilliam Eyre1988Book
Age of water: the urban environment in the north of France, AD 300-1800Guillerme, Andre ETexas A&M UP1988Book
George Green: miller and mathematician: 1793-1841Cannell, D MCity of Nottingham Arts Department1988Book
Tratado de molinologia: los molinos de GuipúzcoaSorrondo, Antxon AguirreEditorial Eusko Ikaskuntza SA1988Book
Watermills of Ontario, Quebec & maritime CanadaCooper, W StephenMcGraw-Hill1988Book
Wind power at Capel CynonCentral Electricity Generating Board1988or 1989Book
Museumgids Provincaal Molenmuseum WachtebekeDhont, Etiene; Wezenbeek, PeterN V Erasmus, Wetteren1988JulyBook
Tongaland TourSouth of Scotland Electricity Board1988Book
Wind EnergyCentre for Alternative Technology1988Book
Man, Environment, Energy 2. The PresentVarious authors, ENI, Rome1988Book
Congressbury TradesWestcott, ArthurCongressbury History Group1988Book
Horns Mill Hertford; a brief history from the Domesday Survey of 1086 to its closure in 1971Bennett, RosemaryHertford Museum1988Book
Lowwood Gunpowder Works: A Short HistoryR. E. Harvey1988Book
Harnessing the wind: wind energy technology in BritainDepartment of Energy (UK)1988Book
L'Ancienne métallurgie dans le Département des VosgesRoussel, FrancisInventaire General SPADEM1988Book
To Shoot Hard Labour: The Life and Times of Samuel Smith an Antiguan Workingman 1877-1982Smith, Fred C; Smith, K BKaria Press 1988Book
History of Flourmilling in Queensland to 1988Rafferty, MaryQueensland Flour Millers' Association1988Book
Strom aus Sonne, Wind, Wasser,Biogas, MüllSchleswag1988Book
Fairmount waterworksGibson, Jane MorkPhiladlphia Museum of Art1988Book
Penwortham in the pastCrosby, AlanCarnegie Publishing1988Book
Windmühlen: Symbole einer Landschaft in Oldenburg, Ostfriesland, im Emsland und Osnabrücker LandHashagen, Ingo; Popken, Adolf; Rodiger, Hans-BerndVerlag C. L. Mettcker & Söhne1988Book
Alte Salinen in MitteleuropaEmons, Hans-Heinz; Walter, Hans-HenningDeutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie1988Book
Avoncroft museum of buildingsAvoncroft Museum of Buildings1988Book
Windmühlen in WoldegkAnon, Kunstverlag H.C. Schmiedicke, Leipzig1988Book
Die Mühlen des Museumsdorfes CloppenburgBrüning, Heiko; Kaiser, Hermann; Ottenjann, HelmutMuseumsdorf Cloppenburg1988Book
Ein weiter Weg von der Windmühle zur WindenergieanlageWindenergiepark Westküste GmBH1988Book
Mines of the Lake District fellsAdams, JohnDalesman1988Book
Geschichte der Mühlen zwischen Eider und KönigsauPetersen, HansWachholtz Verlag, Neumünster1988Book
Wassermühlen: 35 000 Kleinkraftwerke zum Wohnen und ArbeitenKur, Friedrich; Wolf, Heinz GeorgVerlag C.F. Müller, Karlsruhe1988Book
History of Chesterton and KingstonNoden, Dorothy AThe author1988Book
History of KirkbyPlant, A GThe author1988Book
Mühlen im SechsämterlandArzberger, DieterVerlag Gisela Arzberger1988Book
Bibliografie van de korenmolen in Europa: van neolithicum tot middeleeuwenHouwaard, FrankCIP-gegevens Koninklijke Bibliotheek1988Book
Wheat: chemistry and technology volume 1Pomeranz, YAmerican Association of Cereal Chemists1988Book
Industrial heritage of Hampshire and the Isle of WightMoore, PamelaPhillimore1988Book
Last years of mill engine buildingThrop, ArnoldInternational Stationary Steam Engine Society1988Book