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Showing results for ( Year equals 1988 ):
Publications (Library)
Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Abbott windmill collection | Buckland, J S P | Newcomen Bulletin | 1988 | August (141) p18 | Article |
Die Kulturgeschichte der Mühlen | Mager, Johannes; Meissner, Günter; Orf, Wolfgang | Edition Leipzig | 1988 | Book | |
Schetsen van Papierwatermolens | Nijhof, P | Buhrmann Ubbens Papier | 1988 | Book | |
Ringsted vindmølle | Heltoft, Kjeld | PBI Holding, Ringsted | 1988 | Book | |
Guide Netherlands open-air museum Arnhem | Bos, J M | Uitgeverij Special Images | 1988 | Book | |
Windmills and millers of Brighton | Dawes, H T | Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society | 1988 | Book | |
Guide to the industrial archaeology of the Swansea region | Hughes, Stephen; Reynolds, Paul | Association for Industrial Archaeology | 1988 | Book | |
History of J. & W. Attlee Ltd of Dorking | Bennett, Alec | J. & W. Attlee Ltd | 1988 | Book | |
Cragside: the power circuit | Aspden, Alan | National Trust | 1988 | Book | |
Illustrated hand book of James Leffel's improved double turbine water wheel for 1883 and 1884 | Leffel, James | Society for the Preservation of Old Mills | 1988 | Book | |
Nether Alderley mill: Cheshire | Boucher, Cyril T G | National Trust | 1988 | Book | |
Los molinos: cultura y tecnologia | Elias, Luis Vicente | Centro de investigacion y animacion etnografica | 1988 | Book | |
Papermaking in Britain 1488-1988: a short history | Hills, Richard L | Athlone Press | 1988 | Book | |
Sleepy Meese | Robinson, D H | Waine Research | 1988 | Book | |
Goin' down t' th' mill: 101-year diary of the ancient Brough mill | Eyre, William | William Eyre | 1988 | Book | |
Age of water: the urban environment in the north of France, AD 300-1800 | Guillerme, Andre E | Texas A&M UP | 1988 | Book | |
George Green: miller and mathematician: 1793-1841 | Cannell, D M | City of Nottingham Arts Department | 1988 | Book | |
Tratado de molinologia: los molinos de Guipúzcoa | Sorrondo, Antxon Aguirre | Editorial Eusko Ikaskuntza SA | 1988 | Book | |
Watermills of Ontario, Quebec & maritime Canada | Cooper, W Stephen | McGraw-Hill | 1988 | Book | |
Wind power at Capel Cynon | Central Electricity Generating Board | 1988 | or 1989 | Book | |
Museumgids Provincaal Molenmuseum Wachtebeke | Dhont, Etiene; Wezenbeek, Peter | N V Erasmus, Wetteren | 1988 | July | Book |
Tongaland Tour | South of Scotland Electricity Board | 1988 | Book | ||
Wind Energy | Centre for Alternative Technology | 1988 | Book | ||
Man, Environment, Energy 2. The Present | Various authors, | ENI, Rome | 1988 | Book | |
Congressbury Trades | Westcott, Arthur | Congressbury History Group | 1988 | Book | |
Horns Mill Hertford; a brief history from the Domesday Survey of 1086 to its closure in 1971 | Bennett, Rosemary | Hertford Museum | 1988 | Book | |
Lowwood Gunpowder Works: A Short History | R. E. Harvey | 1988 | Book | ||
Harnessing the wind: wind energy technology in Britain | Department of Energy (UK) | 1988 | Book | ||
L'Ancienne métallurgie dans le Département des Vosges | Roussel, Francis | Inventaire General SPADEM | 1988 | Book | |
To Shoot Hard Labour: The Life and Times of Samuel Smith an Antiguan Workingman 1877-1982 | Smith, Fred C; Smith, K B | Karia Press | 1988 | Book | |
History of Flourmilling in Queensland to 1988 | Rafferty, Mary | Queensland Flour Millers' Association | 1988 | Book | |
Strom aus Sonne, Wind, Wasser,Biogas, Müll | Schleswag | 1988 | Book | ||
Fairmount waterworks | Gibson, Jane Mork | Philadlphia Museum of Art | 1988 | Book | |
Penwortham in the past | Crosby, Alan | Carnegie Publishing | 1988 | Book | |
Windmühlen: Symbole einer Landschaft in Oldenburg, Ostfriesland, im Emsland und Osnabrücker Land | Hashagen, Ingo; Popken, Adolf; Rodiger, Hans-Bernd | Verlag C. L. Mettcker & Söhne | 1988 | Book | |
Alte Salinen in Mitteleuropa | Emons, Hans-Heinz; Walter, Hans-Henning | Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie | 1988 | Book | |
Avoncroft museum of buildings | Avoncroft Museum of Buildings | 1988 | Book | ||
Windmühlen in Woldegk | Anon, | Kunstverlag H.C. Schmiedicke, Leipzig | 1988 | Book | |
Die Mühlen des Museumsdorfes Cloppenburg | Brüning, Heiko; Kaiser, Hermann; Ottenjann, Helmut | Museumsdorf Cloppenburg | 1988 | Book | |
Ein weiter Weg von der Windmühle zur Windenergieanlage | Windenergiepark Westküste GmBH | 1988 | Book | ||
Mines of the Lake District fells | Adams, John | Dalesman | 1988 | Book | |
Geschichte der Mühlen zwischen Eider und Königsau | Petersen, Hans | Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster | 1988 | Book | |
Wassermühlen: 35 000 Kleinkraftwerke zum Wohnen und Arbeiten | Kur, Friedrich; Wolf, Heinz Georg | Verlag C.F. Müller, Karlsruhe | 1988 | Book | |
History of Chesterton and Kingston | Noden, Dorothy A | The author | 1988 | Book | |
History of Kirkby | Plant, A G | The author | 1988 | Book | |
Mühlen im Sechsämterland | Arzberger, Dieter | Verlag Gisela Arzberger | 1988 | Book | |
Bibliografie van de korenmolen in Europa: van neolithicum tot middeleeuwen | Houwaard, Frank | CIP-gegevens Koninklijke Bibliotheek | 1988 | Book | |
Wheat: chemistry and technology volume 1 | Pomeranz, Y | American Association of Cereal Chemists | 1988 | Book | |
Industrial heritage of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight | Moore, Pamela | Phillimore | 1988 | Book | |
Last years of mill engine building | Throp, Arnold | International Stationary Steam Engine Society | 1988 | Book |