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Publications (Library)

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Museumsdorf CloppenburgKaiser, HermannMuseumsdorf Cloppenburg1985Book
Styal, Cheshire: an illustrated souvenirRose, Mary; Sekers, DavidNational Trust1985Book
Wasser- und Windmühlen im alten Kreise WinsenBorstelmann, HNeudruck Winsen1985Book
Old mines of the Llangynog district: north Powys, mid-WalesWilliams, R ANorthern Mine Research Society1985Book
Ocrim profileOcrim1985Book
Science and rice in IndonesiaWard, William BOelgeschlager Gunn & Hain1985Book
Cotton mills of OldhamGurr, Duncan; Hunt, JulianOldham Education & Leisure Services1985Book
Industrial architecture of YorkshireHatcher, JanePhillimore1985Book
Sussex industrial archaeology: a field guideAusten, Brian; Cox, Don; Upton, JohnPhillimore1985Book
Wind energy systemsJohnson, Gary LPrentice-Hall1985Book
Wind Energy SystemsPrentice-Hall1985Book
Eeuwen Onder Wind en Wolken: Windmolens in Oost-Vlaanderen [Windmills in East Flanders]Bauters, PaulProvincie Oost-Vlanderen1985Book
Windmill trails of the FyldeDavies, KenScott Witten1985Book
Shawford mill theatre: a new use for an old buildingOlive, JohnShawford Mill Theatre1985Book
Animal-powered machinesMajor, J KennethShire1985Book
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1985Book
Guide to the industrial archaeology of the Waverley areaHaveron, FrancisSurrey Industrial History Group1985Book
Christopher Polhem 1661-1751: the Swedish DaedalusLindgren, Mikael; Sorbom, PerSveriges Tekniska Museum1985Book
Miller's manualStoate, DavidThe author1985Book
Inventory of Fairbairn waterwheelsByrom, RichardThe author1985Book
Melin Howell, LLantrisantHagerty, SeanThe author1985Brochure, leaflet or poster
Childhood memories of Polegate wind and water millsTerry, BerthaThe author1985SpringBook
Woodbridge: a short history and guideWeaver, Carol; Weaver, Michael AThe author1985Book
Thelnetham Windmill: Report on the restoration programme: 1984Thelnetham Mill Partnership1985Book
TIMS Booklets (BM 1985 -1994)TIMS1985to 1994Book
Transactions of the Sixth symposium of The International Molinological SocietyTIMS1985Symposium Transactions
Eolienne BolleeGaucheron, Andre; Major, J KennethTIMS1985Book
Multi-purpose power unit with horizontal turbine (MPPU) construction kitBachmann, A; Nakarmi, A MUnicef1985Book
Field guide to American windmillsBaker, T LindsayUniversity of Oklahoma Press1985Book
Die Industriegeschichte des WassersFöhl, AxelVDI-Verlag1985Book
Die industriegeschichte des wassers: Transport, energie, versorgungFöhl, Axel; Hamm, ManfredVDI-Verlag1985Book
Eine kleine MühlenkundeJans, WilhelmVerein zur Förderung historischer Mühlen im Landkreis Gifhorn1985Book
Mühle vom Rothen Strumpf: nachforschungen über ein handwerkBorchert, JürgenVerlag der Nation, Berlin1985Book
Die Glinder Mühle als Walke und KupferhammerLange, WolfgangVerlag Hans Jürgen Böckel1985Book
Huguenots in WandsworthGwynn, R D; Shaw, R A; Thomas, PWandsworth Borough Council1985Book
MelinWelsh Mills Society1985Book
Schöne alte WassermühlenBraunburg, Annemarie; Braunburg, RudolfWeltbild-Bucherdienst1985Book
White Mill, Sandwich: technical guideHarlow, R SWhite Mill Folk Museum Trust1985Book
White mill, Sandwich: its history and workingsWhite Mill Folk Museum Trust1985Book