Search Start a new search You can also directly search our Archive catalogue of images and documents. Showing results for ( Year equals 1980 ): Publications (Library) Search publications by topic TitleContributorsPublisherYearBatchDescripMedium Consideration on the measurement of specific characters of water-mill powerNakagawa, Tohru; Sakakibara, Seibun; Sasabe, AkiraBulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo1980Vol 3 Dec 22 pp 41-47Offprint/Journal SupplementHistory Today: Energy a special feature on the pre-industrial sources of powerLongman1980Vol 30 (March)Offprint/Journal SupplementHelius vertical axis wind generatorThermax Corporation, Vermont1980Plans and instructionsProceedings of the Second BWEA Wind Energy Workshop April 1980Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd.1980Symposium TransactionsFrodsham: the archaeological potential of a townThompson, PatienceCheshire County Council1980Thesis/ReportProgressive millers: A cultural and intellectual portrait of the flour milling industry 1870 - 1930, focusing on Minneapolis, MinnesotaFrame III, Robert MUniversity Microfilms1980Thesis/ReportCollection of papers from the Centre for Alternative TechnologyCentre for Alternative Technology1980approximatelyUnbound documents Posts navigation Previous123