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Showing results for ( Year equals 1956 ):

Publications (Library)

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Men and machines: ... an informal historyDenavit, J; Hartenberg, R S1956Book
Oil millingSinclair, RobertUnilever Limited1956Book
Utrechts molenboekNieman, B WProvinciaal Bestuur van Utrecht1956Book
Growing Food and the Story of the Old Mill: The Old Windmill: Owned by the Town of Chatham, Mass. Maintained by the Park Commission.Walker Guild, AliceChatham Historical Society. Chatham Massachusetts.1956Book
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1956Book
Hundred years a-millingScott, William MaddinW. & C. Scott1956Book
Seed crushing in GainsboroughBrace, Harold WLincolnshire Architectural and Archaeological Society1956Offprint/Journal Supplement
Jenner & Higgs Limited: Centenary year, 1856-1956Jenner & Higgs1956Book
Breads white and brown: their place in thought and social historyMcCance, R A; Widdowson, Elsie MPitman Medical1956Book
Water-ring self-priming pumps with an addendumCrewdson, EInstitution of Mechanical Engineers1956Offprint/Journal Supplement
Masters and the slaves: A study in the development of Brazilian civilisationFreyre, GilbertoWeidenfeld and Nicolson1956Book
Lamport Post MillPosnasky, MNorthamptonshire Natural History Soc & Field Club1956Vol XXXIII No 239 (June) 66-79Article
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordEdgar Allen News1956Article
Sobre maquinaria de tradicion antigue et medievalBaroja, Julio CaroC Bemejo, Madrid1956Book
100 years of water powerGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1956Book
Gilkes, On the development of water power: Centenary edition 1856-1956Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1956Book