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Alte Mühlen in Österreich: Mühlen · Sägen · Schmieden · StampfenTrumler, GerhardBibliothek der Provinz (Verlag)2014Book
Sails, wind and meadow birds: mills in the landscape of UtrechtVerschoor, Jaap; Vesters, PaulUtrecht Landscape Foundation and Artists for Nature Foundation2006Book
Wieken, wind en weidenvogels: Molens in het Utrechts landschapVerschoor, Jaap; Vesters, PaulStichting Het Utrechts Landschap and Artists for Nature Foundation2006Book
Romantic windmill: the windmill in British art from Gainsborough to David Cox, 1750-1850Wilcox, TimothyHove Museum & Art Gallery1993Book
Check list of windmill paintings by Karl WoodWilson, CatherineLincolnshire County Council1982Book