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Karl Salsbury Wood, artist and author of "Twilight of the Mills"Edlington, SusanThe author2024Book
Rex Wailes Collection. An Artistic Collaboration Part 1Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021MarchDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. An Artistic Collaboration Part 2Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021AprilDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. An Artistic ConsultantCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021FebruaryDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Hallam Ashley and Roller MillsCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021MayDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Hallam Ashley (1900-1987) and Horstead MillCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021JUneDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Mill sketches by Anton van AnrooyHodge, NathanaelMilling & Grain 2021DecemberDigital
Corn mill drawings of John BrandrickHarris, Nigel SThe author2018Book
Alte Mühlen in Österreich: Mühlen · Sägen · Schmieden · StampfenTrumler, GerhardBibliothek der Provinz (Verlag)2014Book
Mill Drawings by Stephen Buckland: volume 2Harverson, MichaelThe Mills Archive Trust2014Book
WindmühlenDollhopf, HelmutW. Tummels2011Book
Jacob van Ruisdael: windmills and water millsSlive, SeymourJ. Paul Getty Museum2011Book
Traditional crafts and industries in East Anglia: the photographic legacy of Hallam AshleyAshley, Hallam; Sargent, AndrewEnglish Heritage2010Book
Windmill drawingsLines, VincentSPAB2009Book
Love of windmills: 25 years of paintingGarner, NoelBlurb2009Book
Meuniers, meunières: noblesse farinièreAzéma, Jean-Pierre HenriAlan Sutton2008Book
Windmills of Thomas Hennell: Landmark countryside collectionStoyel, AlanLandmark2007Book
Meesters en molens: van Rembrandt tot MondriaanDumas, Charles; Endedijk, Leo; Laurentius, Theo; van der Drift, LeoWaanders Uitgevers2007Book
Lietuvos MalnaiKligiene, MimozaMaldzio Fondas2007Book
Mill drawings by Stephen BucklandHarverson, MichaelThe Mills Archive Trust2006Book
Wieken, wind en weidenvogels: Molens in het Utrechts landschapVerschoor, Jaap; Vesters, PaulStichting Het Utrechts Landschap and Artists for Nature Foundation2006Book
Moulins à eau en Poitou-CharentesCouraud, Emile; Morin, MichèleAlan Sutton2006Book
Sails, wind and meadow birds: mills in the landscape of UtrechtVerschoor, Jaap; Vesters, PaulUtrecht Landscape Foundation and Artists for Nature Foundation2006Book
Moulins à eau en FranceCouraud, Emile; Morin, MichèleAlan Sutton2005Book
Art and Flour: a worldwide gallery of flour sacksPaetsch, MartinVolkmar Wymol2004Book
Au temps des moulins à ventGuilbaud, JeanAlan Sutton2004Book
Francis Frith's windmills and watermills: photographic memoriesBryan, Anthony A (Tony)Frith Book Co2000Book
Flatford: Constable countrySt John, IanSuffolk Walker2000Book
Sussex watermillsGregory, Frank William; Martin, RonSB Publications1997Book
Windmills of Suffolk: Illustrations of the remaining windmills of SuffolkRegan, DeanDean Regan1997Book
East Anglia and the FensTalbot, Rob; Whiteman, RobinCassell1996Book
Romantic windmill: the windmill in British art from Gainsborough to David Cox, 1750-1850Wilcox, TimothyHove Museum & Art Gallery1993Book
Frank Meadow Sutcliffe: Photographer a third selectionShaw, MichaelSutcliffe Gallery1990Book
Thomas Hennell: countryman, artist, writerMacLeod, MichaelCambridge University Press1988Book
Hollandse molens in aquarelHartog, JaapMuusses1986Book
English mill: mills in art and archaeologyTowner Art Gallery and Local History Museum1984Book
Das Buch der alten MühlenBrandstetter, Alois; Trumler, GerhardChristian Brandstatter1984Book
Alte Mühlen: Bilder des Abschieds (Farewell in pictures)Dollhopf, Helmut; Franzke, Jürgen; Gallasch, Walter; Glaser, Hermann; Liedel, HerbertStürtz Verlag, Würzburg1983Book
Victorian and Edwardian windmills and watermills from old photographsMajor, J Kenneth; Watts, MartinBatsford1983Book
Check list of windmill paintings by Karl WoodWilson, CatherineLincolnshire County Council1982Book
Fair wind and weather: paintings of windmills. Paintings of Charles W HowarthHowarth, Charles WWirral Borough Council Department of Leisure Services1982Book
Wassermühlen: illustrated with 167 photographs of watermills in the German landscapeBraunburg, Annemarie; Braunburg, RudolfSchneekluth1981Book
Das Schicksal der Windmühlen in unserer LandschaftSuchatzky, WernerStädtisches Museum Braunschweig1979Book
On high, apparent landHolden, MollyAllan Myall1978Brochure, leaflet or poster
Moulins à vent en AnjouEnguehard, Henri; Maudonnet, PaulEdition de l'Auteur Aux Nautlets d'Anjou1976Book
Watercolours by Thomas GirtinGirtin, ThomasVictoria & Albert Museum1975Book
Moulins au fil de l’eau: en AnjouMaudonnet, PaulThe author1966Book
Old Water-Colour Society's Club annual volume, 40thBury, Adrian; Skilton, Charles PCharles Skilton1965Book
Moulins à vent de BelgiqueDesart, RobertRobert Desart1961Book
Molens en Klederdrachten in NederlandHijlkema, Mej M A; Warnaars, H B ETieleman & Dros1949Book