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Wind- und Wasserkraft: Die Nutzung regenerierbarer Energiequellen in der GeschichteBayerl, Günter (ed)VDI-Verlag1989Book
History of corn milling Volume 4: Some feudal mills: with a memoir by the late Richard BennettBennett, Richard; Elton, JohnEP Publishing1975Book
Windmill tower in reinforced brickworkBird, A B; Foster, DStructural Clay Products Ltd1976DecemberBook
Archaeology of the English windmill c.1200 - c.1700 (Dissertation)Bonwick, LukeUniversity of Reading2003Thesis/Report
English postmillBrustad, V EOxford School of Architecture1978Thesis/Report
Lee's patent windmill 1744-1747: a history of the development of the windmill fantailBuckland, J S P; Watts, MartinSPAB1987Book
Characteristics of a sail millCalvert, N GJournal of Industrial Aerodynamics1978(3) pp 79-84Article
Notes on the Berton sail and the Caviers or hollow post mills of AnjouClark, H O; Wailes, RexNewcomen Society1951Vol XXVII pp 211-216Offprint/Journal Supplement
Tower Mills including list of windmills in the United KingdomCompilation of Internet articles, Hephaestus Booksundated but ca 2024Book
Contribution of the windmill to the industrial revolutionGregory, RoySPAB2002Book
Van haver tot gort: 150 tekeningen van een molenHelmers, RoelProfiel Uitgeverij1989Book
Windmühlen-PraxisHipt, Hermann Op deVerlag Moritz Schafer1937Book
Mills of medieval EnglandHolt, RichardBasil Blackwell1988Book
Harvesting the Air: Windmill Pioneers in Twelfth-Century EnglandKealey, Edward JUniversity of California Press1987Book
Harvesting the air: Windmill pioneers in twelfth-century EnglandKealey, Edward JBoydell Press1987Book
Mills in the medieval economy: England 1300-1540Langdon, JohnOxford University Press2004Book
Tower windmills in medieval England: A case of arrested development?Langdon, John; Watts, MartinTechnology and Culture2007Vol 46 (October) pp 697-718Offprint/Journal Supplement
Greeks and the early windmillLewis, Michael J THistory of Technology (Mansell)1993Vol 15 pp 141 -189Copied document
Wind, water, work: ancient and medieval milling technologyLucas, AdamBrill Society2006Book
Moulins et meuniers dans les campagnes européennes (IXe-XVIIIe siècle)Mousnier, MPresses Universitaires du Mirail2002Book
Windmühlen: der Stand der Forschung über das Vorkommen und den UrsprungNotebaart, Jannis CMouton Verlag1972Book
WindmillsRussell, SidneyEngineeringBook
Note on early tower windmillsSalmon, JohnJournal of the Archaeological Association1966vol XXIX Offprint/Journal Supplement
Windmills, picturesque and historic: The motors of the pastShelton, F HJournal of the Franklin Institute1919February pp 171- 198Offprint/Journal Supplement
Annotated bibliography of windmill literatureShort, MichaelManuscript/Typescript
Mills and millstone fragments within the Eastbourne Borough Council areaStevens, LawrencePolegate Windmill2002Book
WindmillsThompson, MartinArchitecture East Midlands1971March/April (35)Book