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American miller and millwright's assistantHughes, William CHenry Carey Baird1851Book
Association de sauvegarde du moulin Pelard bulletin no. 2Association de Sauvegarde du Moulin Pelard1978Book
Bell alarms and sack hoists in windmillsClark, H O; Wailes, RexNewcomen Society1973Offprint/Journal Supplement
Book of wrinkles: a collection of handy labor-saving devices and ideas for the use of millers and millwrightsMitchell Brothers1912Book
Book of wrinkles: a collection of handy labor-saving devices and ideas for the use of millers and millwrightsMitchell Brothers1994Book
Boyd family millwrights and engineers of HullMoseley, JanetJanet Moseley2017Book
Bradwell Windmill millwrighting report on condtion of stucture and working partsBonwick, LukeBonwick Milling Heritage Consultancy2011JulyThesis/Report
Brake wheels and wallowersClark, H O; Wailes, RexNewcomen Society1948Manuscript/Typescript
Catalogue of the civil and mechanical engineering designs of 1741-92 of John Smeaton, F.R.S.: preserved in the library of the Royal SocietyDickinson, Henry Winram; Gomme, A A; Smeaton, JohnNewcomen Society1950Book
Construction of mill damsLeffel, JamesNoyes Press1881Facsimile reprint
Cornelis Corneliszoon van Uitgeest: uitvinder aan de basis van de gouden eeuwBonke, Hans; de Jong, Andries; Dobber, Wladimir; Groot, Peter; Hoving, Ab; Kingma, Jur; Kingma, Vibeke; Porsius, NanningWalburg Pers2002Book
De standerdmolen: Bouw, geschiedenis, verschijningsvormen en bedieningswijze van Nederlands oudste windmolentypeScheirs, Jan; Tijman, Erik; Zweers, DickUitgeverij Matrijs1994Book
Design manual for water wheels: with details for applications to pumping water for village use and driving small machineryOvens, William GVITA Volunteers in Technical Assistance1975Book
Die praktische Mühlen-BaukunstBehrens, Ernst Christian AugustTh. Schäfer, Hannover2006Facsimile reprint
Die WasserräderMüller, WilhelmVerlag Moritz Schafer1982Book
Dorothea: restoration engineers limitedDorothea Restoration Engineers LimitedBook
Drive to the stones in windmilsWailes, RexNewcomen Society1959Offprint/Journal Supplement
Engineers of mills in the later middle agesLangdon, JohnSPAB2007Book
English country millwright at the beginning of the 20th century: Thompson & Son of Alford in LincolnshireMoore, ColinInternational Molinology2020(101) pp 10-21Digital
English country millwright at the end of the 19th century: Thompson's of Alford in LincolnshireMoore, ColinInternational Molinology2018(97) pp3-12Digital
Experienced millwright, or a treatise on the construction of some of the most useful machines With the Latest Improvements ; to which is Prefixed, A Short Account of the General Principles of Mechanics, and of the Mechanical Powers ; Illustrated with Forty-four EngravingsGray, AndrewArchibald Constable & Co1806digitised 2022Digital
Great Chishill Windmill restration and maintenance proposalBonwick, Luke; Pearce, D LThe author2011August 9Thesis/Report
High Salvington; Saving Worthing's last windmillCasebow, PeterThe Mills Archive Trust2021Book
Holman Bros., Millwrights of Canterbury: A HistoryBoocock, Guy; Cookson, Mildred M; Trout, ElizabethThe Mills Archive Trust2014Website
In search of "Fairbairn's Silent Machinery"Strong, Brian1995Manuscript/Typescript
John Staniar & Co. Mill FurnishersManchester Wire WorksBook
John Staniar & Co., mill furnishersJohn Staniar & Co.Book
Leeghwater: idealist en molenmakerde Herder, Dirk; Monnikendam, Joep; Woestenburg, HansN.V. Drukkerij Edecea1975Book
Leffel’s construction of mill dams and Bookwalter’s millwright and mechanicJames Leffel & Co.1881Facsimile reprint
London millwrights: masters and journeymen in the late 18th and early 19th centuriesMoher, James GThe Mills Archive Trust2018Book
Mechanics for the millwright, machinist, engineer, civil engineer, architect and studentOverman, FrederickLippincott, Grambo & Co1851Book
Meister Prufungs Ordnung fur die Handwerke der Mauerer Zimmerer Steinmeke Muhlenbauer1909Book
Meister-Prüfungs-Ordnung D für die Handwerke der Maurer, Zimmerer, Steinmetze, MühlenbauerAnon, Handwerkskammer zu Harburg1909Book
Miller and millwrightAbernathy, R JamesDixie Miller Company1904Book
Miller's, millwright's and engineer's guidePallett, HenryHenry Carey Baird1866Copied document
Milling and millwrightingWatts, MartinSPAB2004Article
Mills and millwrightingVince, JohnShire1978Book
Millwright's guide: a practical treatise on the construction of all kinds of mill work ...Nicholson, John1830Book
Molenbouw: Het Staande Werk van de BovenkruiersSipman, AntonDe Walburg Pers1975Book
Molinological conference: wind and water mills, millwrighting and millingField, MichaelSPAB1979Book
Monitor grain cleaners: scourers and polishersHuntley Manufacturing Co.Book
Mühlenbau – Wasserräder und Windmühlen bewahren und erhaltenSchnelle, WernerVerlag Bauwesen1999Book
Møllesten brugt i DanmarkAndersen, LiseHadsund Egns Museum2002Book
Perfect pitch: the millwright's goal; an aid in the interpretation and dating of the working parts of watermills and windmillsStoyel, AlanSPAB1996Book
Preliminary analysis of the development of the gearing in watermills in Western EuropeJespersen, AndersVirum1953Book
Principles and practice in watermill repairSPAB2005Book
R. Thompson & Son, Millwrights Of Alford, Lincolnshire; Preliminary report on the foundry patterns collectionBonwick, LukeBMHC2017MarchDigital
Restoration of Sussex Windmills, ThePinney, R CThe author1975Manuscript/Typescript
Restoration of Wicken Mill: millwrighting, milling, and historyPearce, D LThe Mills Archive Trust2022Book
Rise of the white loaf: evidence from the north of England concerning developments in milling milling technique in the 18th centuryHarrison, John KSPAB2005Book