
Die praktische Mühlen-Baukunst

    Full details

    English titlePractical mill construction
    Authors & editors

    Behrens, Ernst Christian August [Author]

    Publisher Th. Schäfer, Hannover
    Year of publication 2006

    German (main text)

    Medium Facsimile reprint

    Arts, culture and heritage > Millwrighting


    Scope & contentSummary Translation

    An extremely detailed handbook, , on the construction of both water mills and windmills.

    The first part describes calculations for designing the various components. The second part is a guide to the construction from the foundations up.

    The final part of the book describes various other machines: machines for watering fields, norias, Archimedes screws, pile drivers and others.

    The book is in Gothic script; it is provided with copious tables as calculating aids, and contains 31 unlabelled diagrams at the end.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 229674

    • Shelf location: A086-BEH
    • Donor: Ken Major Collection
    • Notes: A facsimile reprint of a book first published in 1789. Published in Gothic script.
