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Rex Wailes Collection. Rex the mill magnetCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020NovemberDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Rex Wailes visits USA and surveys Long Island and Nantucket windmillsCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020JuneDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. The books he has writtenCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020JanuaryDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. The life of Rex WailesHodge, NathanaelMilling & Grain 2023MarchDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. The Power of the Press: How it changed our landscape (with some help from Rex Wailes)Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020AugustDigital
Rex Wailes: an appreciation of his workMajor, J KennethSPAB1992Book
Robert Owen of New LanarkCole, MargaretBatchworth Press1953Book
Robert Owen of New Lanark 1771 - 1858; a bicentenial tributeButt, John; Donnachie, Ian; Hume, John ROpen Univesity in Scotland1980Offprint/Journal Supplement
Robert Stone, miller of PangbourneMajor, J KennethTIMS1980Book
Samuel Crompton, 1753-1827: inventeur du metier a filerDobson & Barlow Ltd1927Book
Samuel Crompton, 1753-1827: the inventor of the spinning muleMidgley, ThomasDobson & Barlow Ltd1927Book
Selected Papers of Boulton and Watt; The Engine Partnership, 1775–1825Tann, JenniferMIT Press, Cambridge, Mass1981Book
Seven ages of one man: or how one man started the Museum of Science and Industry in ManchesterHills, Richard LRichard L. Hills2018Book
Sir Samuel Morland: diplomat and inventor, 1625-1695Dickinson, Henry WinramW Heffer & Sons1970Book
Sir William FairbairnHayward, R ANorth Western Museum of Science & IndustryBook
Story of George Green ... who was very good at sumsNottingham City Council2009Book
Thomas Hennell: countryman, artist, writerMacLeod, MichaelCambridge University Press1988Book
Thomas Telford: the acclaimed biography of the 'father of civil engineering'Rolt, L T CPenguin1986Book
Titus Salt and Saltaire: Industry and virtueStyles, JohnSalts Estates1994Book
Tony Yoward (1925 - 2019)Cookson, Mildred MSPAB Mill News2019AprilDigital
Two Netherlanders: Humphrey Bradley and Cornelis DrebbelHarris, L EW Heffer & Sons1961Book
Various and ingenious machines of Agostino Ramelli: A classic Sixteenth-Century illustrated treatise on technologyFerguson, Eugene S; Gnudi, Martha TeachDover Publications1987Book
Wailes family from HusthwaiteHusthwaite Local History Society2014Book
William Fairbairn; the experimental engineerByrom, RichardRailway and Canal Historical Society2017Book
Windmill WoodShaw, TonyThe author1996Book
Word from LSEMS by Graham BruceMilling & Grain 2016AprilDigital
World Flour Day 2022. A special time of hope & gratitude all around the worldMilling & Grain 2022FebruaryDigital
Wynn Tremenheere, 1925 - 2015Hudson, SimonSPAB Mill News2015AprilDigital