
Tony Yoward (1925 - 2019)

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Cookson, Mildred M [Author]

    Publisher SPAB Mill News
    Year of publication 2019 April

    Medium Digital

    People and communities > Biographies & tributes


    Selected biography
    The Mills Archive Trust

    Scope & contentTony was a long-standing member of the Mills Section and also committee member for 12 years, during this time acting as the Section's archivist. He was someone many of us knew. Sadly Tony died in January this year. Until recently he was always seen at our meetings and on our tours, latterly accompanied by his daughter Jane who would drive him around. His interests besides mills were industrial archaeology and genealogy. Genealogy was a passionate interest to Tony, to carry on what his wife, Mary had started on a database of millers, and which is now housed at the Mills Archive, of which he was one of the original Trustees…Read more.


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