Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Freedom and oppression of slaves in the eighteenth-century Caribbean | Stinchcombe, Arthur L | American Sociological Review | 1994 | Vol 59 (6) December pp 911-929 | Digital |
Friends of Norfolk Windmills Newsletters | | Friends of Norfolk Mills | | | Newsletters |
From Millwrights to Engineers | Leonard, Anne | Guild of One-Name Studies | 2019 | | Article |
From wind to power | Gray, L G | The author | 1986 | | Book |
FWP Matthews flour mill. LSEMS tour Part 1. Adapting to meet modern demands | | Milling & Grain | 2016 | August | Digital |
Garden party. Mills Archive | | Milling & Grain | 2016 | July | Digital |
Garret workshop of James Watt | Dickinson, Henry Winram | Her Majesty's Stationery Office | 1958 | | Book |
George Green: miller and mathematician: 1793-1841 | Cannell, D M | City of Nottingham Arts Department | 1988 | | Book |
George Green: miller, Sneinton | Bowley, R M; Challis, L J; Phillips, David; Sheard, F W; Wilkins-Jones, Frieda M | Nottingham Castle | 1976 | | Book |
George Sorocold, Hydraulic Engineer | Gifford, Alan | SPAB Mill News | 2013 | July | Digital |
Goin' down t' th' mill: 101-year diary of the ancient Brough mill | Eyre, William | William Eyre | 1988 | | Book |
Going with the grain: the story of Doltons, 1792-1992 | Stokes, Penelope | H Dolton & Son Ltd | 1992 | | Book |
Golden thumb: living and milling through five generations of the Snodgrass family | Kempsell, Alex | J. & R. Snodgrass Ltd. | 1964 | | Book |
Grain entrapment | | Milling & Grain | 2019 | November | Digital |
Grain silo safety. Why there needs to be a safe system of work for confined spaces | | Milling & Grain | 2022 | April | Digital |
Grit and determination | Gilbert, Roger | Milling & Grain | 2021 | December | Digital |
Guide to dust explosion preventon and protection; Part 1 Venting | Lunn, Geoff | Institution of Chemical Engineers | 1992 | | Book |
Guide to the Lee and Stort navigations | Thomas, Richard | Lea and Stort Planning and Amenities Forum | 1994 | | Book |
Guidelines to health and safety in windmills and watermills including food hygiene | | SPAB | 2009 | | Book |
Guidelines to safety in wind and watermills | | SPAB | 1980 | | Book |
Hagley Museum, Wilmington Delaware: A story of early industry on the Brandywine | Anon, | Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation | 1957 | | Book |
Halvergate Fleet: past & present | Hutchinson, Sheila | The author | 2001 | | Book |
Harvest of Water Mill History | Halsey, Albert J | Water Mill Museum, New York | | | Book |
Heckington in the eighteen seventies | Anon, | Heckington Village Trust | | | Book |
Helen Major, 1927-2013 | Cookson, Mildred M; Trout, Elizabeth | SPAB Mill News | 2013 | July | Digital |
Henry Cooke papermaker, 1773-1973: a short history to celebrate his bi-centenary | | Henry Cooke Ltd. | 1973 | | Book |
Henry Simon 1878-1978 centenary: a centenary of service to the milling industry | | Henry Simon | 1978 | | Book |
Henry Simon's children | Simon, Brian | Pendene Press | 1999 | | Book |
Hine family of Berkshire, England | Hine, Christopher; Hine, Thomas Mann | The author | 2019 | | Book |
Histoire des carrières d'Épernon | Duc, Jean-Paul | l'Association Epernon Patrimoine et Alentours | 2012 | | Book |
Historical record of the Stover mills and their millers: together with genealogical charts, maps, and illustrations of the mills | Kuter, Barbara | Graphic Action | 1999 | | Book |
History of Bowers mills in Blackburne Valley | Muir, Augustus | W Heffer & Sons | 1969 | | Book |
History of Caston, Norfolk, part 2: the windmill, some village businesses, the common right, schools in Caston | Barnes, John S | The author | 1974 | | Book |
History of Chesterton and Kingston | Noden, Dorothy A | The author | 1988 | | Book |
History of Chesterton and Kingston | Noden, Dorothy A | The author | 1978 | | Book |
History of Churchill and Blakedown | Swabey, E J D | Churchill and Blakedown Parish Council | 1976 | | Book |
History of corn milling, vol.1: handstones, slave and cattle mills | Bennett, Richard; Elton, John | Simpkin, Marshall & Company | 1898 | | Book |
History of corn milling, vol.1: handstones, slave and cattle mills | Bennett, Richard; Elton, John | Simpkin, Marshall & Company | 1899 | | Book |
History of corn milling, vol.1: handstones, slave and cattle mills | Bennett, Richard; Elton, John | Burt Franklin, New York | 1960 | or later | Facsimile reprint |
History of corn milling, vol.3: Feudal laws and customs with appendix on steam and roller milling | Bennett, Richard; Elton, John | Burt Franklin, New York | 1960 | or later | Facsimile reprint |
History of corn milling, vol.4: Some feudal mills with memoir of the late Richard Bennett | Bennett, Richard; Elton, John | Burt Franklin, New York | 1960 | or later | Facsimile reprint |
History of Kirkby | Plant, A G | The author | 1988 | | Book |
History of Leyland and district | Hunt, David | Carnegie Publishing | 1990 | | Book |
History of the By brook | Tatem, Ken | Environment Agency | 1996 | | Book |
History of the royal and ancient park of Toxteth Liverpool | Griffiths, Robert | City of Liverpool | 2001 | | Facsimile reprint |
Holman Bros. millwrights of Canterbury: A history | Boocock, Guy; Cookson, Mildred M; Holman, Geoff; Trout, Elizabeth | The Mills Archive Trust | 2014 | | Book |
Holman Bros., Millwrights of Canterbury: A History | Boocock, Guy; Cookson, Mildred M; Trout, Elizabeth | The Mills Archive Trust | 2014 | | Website |
Holmans of Canterbury: the family firm that traded in Dover Street for one hundred and fifty years | Fielding, Shena | Oaten Hill and District Society | 1992 | | Book |
Home-grown Slaves: Women, Reproduction, and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, Jamaica 1788–1807 | Turner, Sasha | Journal of Women’s History | 2011 | Vol. 23 No. 3, 39–62. | Digital |
How the world celebrates Flour. Power. Life. | | Milling & Grain | 2022 | April | Digital |