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Biographical dictionary of British Quakers in commerce and industry, 1775-1920Milligan, Edward HSessions Book Trust2007Book
Seen from a windmill: a Norfolk Broads revueMiller, DrewHeath Cranton Ltd.1935Book
Samuel Crompton, 1753-1827: the inventor of the spinning muleMidgley, ThomasDobson & Barlow Ltd1927Book
Millers and Methodists: Leighton Buzzard's First Steam Corn MillMesley, ChrisLeighton Buzzard and District Archaeological and Historical Society2010Book
Life story of an Essex ladMead, IsaacA Driver & Sons1923Book
Joseph Bramah: a century of invention 1749-1851McNeil, IanDavid & Charles1968Book
David Dale of New Lanark: a bright luminary to ScotlandMcLaren, David JHeatherbank press1983Book
Economy and material culture of slaves: Goods and chattels on the sugar plantations of Jamaica and LouisianaMcDonald, Roderick ALouisiana State University Press1993Book
John Rennie’s diary of a journey through Northern England 1784Matkin, Robert BEast Kent Maritime Trust1986Book
Where man belongsMassingham, H JJ P Collins & Co. Norwich, Conn1946Book
Life in a Sussex windmillMartin, Edward AAllen and Donaldson1921Book
Life in a Sussex windmillMartin, Edward AAllen and Donaldson1920Book
Sherborne mill: from silks to glassMarsden, FrederickThe author1980Book
Selected Aspects of the History of the Ressler MillMarquet, CynthiaRessler Mill Foundation1997Book
Robert Stone, miller of PangbourneMajor, J KennethTIMS1980Book
Rex Wailes: an appreciation of his workMajor, J KennethSPAB1992Book
Between windmills and wind generators: The windmills of E Lancaster BurneMajor, J KennethTIMS2008pp 185-197Article
Index to the most important local historical information contained in the files of “The Hull Advertiser and Exchange Gazette” Vol 1 (July 1794-December 1825)MacMahon, K AUniversity of Hull1955Manuscript/Typescript
Thomas Hennell: countryman, artist, writerMacLeod, MichaelCambridge University Press1988Book
Dunkirk mills: a brief historyMackintosh, IanStroudwater Textile Trust2002Book
Marsh workers of the BroadsMace, PaulBroad Reed and Sedge Cutters Association2009Book
Guide to dust explosion preventon and protection; Part 1 VentingLunn, GeoffInstitution of Chemical Engineers1992Book
Mills and watercourses of the upper Axe: from Wookey Hole to BleadneyLuker, BrianWookey Local History Group1991Book
A to Z of Kent mill owners and associated occupations 1899Longley, K J; Longley, R AR & A Longley Publications2006Book
Christopher Polhem 1661-1751: the Swedish DaedalusLindgren, Mikael; Sorbom, PerSveriges Tekniska Museum1985Book
Rebel girls: their fight for the voteLiddington, JillVirago Press2006Book
Dai the mill: miner, sailor, miller & fisherman, lifeboat coxwainLewis, D JMerrivale1995Book
Lester Pelton and the Pelton water wheelLescohier, Roger PThe author1992Book
From Millwrights to EngineersLeonard, AnneGuild of One-Name Studies2019Article
Forge d'AubeLecherbonnier, YannickInventaire General SPADEM2001Book
Engineering drawings of Benjamin Henry LatrobeLatrobe, Benjamin Henry; Stapleton, Darwin HYale University Press1980Book
Wey navigation: a tale of troubled watersLansdell, AvrilElmbridge Borough Council1975Book
Brandon Silk Mill: Ghosts of the 11th GreenLangley, AnneStretton Millenium History Group2001Book
Historical record of the Stover mills and their millers: together with genealogical charts, maps, and illustrations of the millsKuter, BarbaraGraphic Action1999Book
Vinden blaeser stadigKruse, JaneNordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi2023Book
Nur den Wind zu GastKromus, BodoAgentur des Rauhen Hauses Hamburg2006Book
Slave experience in the CaribbeanKlein, Herbert SAtlantic History Study Centre Regional Tourism and Culture Office1996-Digital
Musings of a Country Miller: W Franklin ResslerKindig, SteveRessler Mill Foundation1999Book
Golden thumb: living and milling through five generations of the Snodgrass familyKempsell, AlexJ. & R. Snodgrass Ltd.1964Book
Muhle und KleiekotzerKauss, Dieter1995Book
Cole Valley south: the Millstream Way, the history of a Birmingham riverJones, John MorrisRiver Cole and Chinn Brook Conservation Group1989Book
Restless miller: Scenes from rural life in bygone Sussex, Surrey and HampshireJohnston, DavidPomegranate Press2010Book
Sugar Machines: Picturing Industrialized SlaveryJohn, CrowleyAmerican Historical Review2016vol 121, 2, (April), 403-436Digital
River Nene: a pictorial historyJeremiah, JosephinePhillimore2003Book
Life and tradition in rural WalesJenkins, J GeraintJ M Dent & Sons1976Book
W&H Marriage & Sons Ltd; 1824-1974, 150 years of millingJarvis, StanThe Company1974Book
Inventaris van de archieven van „De Hollandsche Molen”: vereniging tot behoud molens in Nederland te Amsterdam (1921) 1923-1973 (1983). Inventaris van verdwenen molensInglot, C W M; van der Flier, GStichting Molen Documentatie1987Book
Molens in veelvoudig perspektief: Verzamelde molinologische opstellen: Kultureel jaarboek Oost-Vlaanderen: Bijdragen nieuwe reeks nr. 36Huys, PaulProvincie Oost-Vlanderen1993Journal
Island (the Haddiscoe Island) past and presentHutchinson, SheilaSheila & Paul Hutchinson2002Book
Halvergate Fleet: past & presentHutchinson, SheilaThe author2001Book