Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Windmills: A pictorial history of their technology | Hills, Richard L | Landmark | 2005 | | Book |
Rise of the white loaf: evidence from the north of England concerning developments in milling milling technique in the 18th century | Harrison, John K | SPAB | 2005 | | Book |
Grist and flour mills in Ontario: From millstones to rollers, 1780s-1880s | Leung, Felicity L | Parks Canada | 1981 | | Book |
Encyclopedia of the history of technology | McNeil, Ian | Routledge | 1990 | | Book |
America's wooden age: aspects of its early technology | Hindle, Brooke | Sleepy Hollow Restorations | 1975 | | Book |
Van Zadelsteen tot Zetelkruier: 2000 jaar molens in Vlaanderen, Boek 1: Geschiednis van het malen met natuurlijke drijftkracht | Bauters, Paul | Provincie Oost-Vlanderen | 1998 | | Book |
Van Zadelsteen tot Zetelkruier: 2000 jaar molens in Vlaanderen, Boek 2: Bouw en werking van de molens met natuurlijke drijfkracht | Bauters, Paul | Provincie Oost-Vlanderen | 2000 | | Book |
Windmills in England: a study of their origin, development and future | Wailes, Rex | Architectural Press | 1945 | | Book |
La energia eolica: tecnología e historia | Cadiz Deleito, Juna Carlos | Hermann Blume | 1984 | | Book |
History of western technology | Klemm, Frederich; Singer, Dorothea Waley | George Allen & Unwin | 1959 | | Book |
Short history of technology: from the earliest times to AD 1900 | Derry, T K; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1960 | | Book |
History of the machine | Chaitin, Peter; Soulard, Robert | Leisure Arts Ltd | 1964 | | Book |
Inventions of Leonardo da Vinci | Gibbs-Smith, Charles | Phaidon | 1978 | | Book |
Mill: the history and future of naturally powered buildings | Larkin, David | Universe | 2000 | | Book |
Patents for inventions in the Netherlands during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries: with notes on the historical development of technics | Doorman, G | Martinus Nijhoff | 1942 | | Book |
Theatre of machines | Keller, Alexander Gustav | Chapman & Hall | 1964 | | Book |
Medieval machine: the industrial revolution of the Middle Ages | Gimpel, Jean | Gollancz | 1977 | | Book |
Wind, water, work: ancient and medieval milling technology | Lucas, Adam | Brill Society | 2006 | | Book |
Spiel mit, Maschine!: Technische Nachrichten für junge Spielzeugbauer | Hirte, Werner | Kinderbuchverlag | 1972 | | Book |
History of technology and invention: progress through the ages, vol.3 The expansion of mechanization, 1725-1860 | Daumas, Maurice; Hennessy, E B | John Murray | 1980 | | Book |
History of technology and invention: progress through the ages, vol.1 The origins of technological civilisation to 1450 | Daumas, Maurice; Hennessy, E B | John Murray | 1969 | | Book |
International exhibition of flour mill machinery | Tepper, D G | | | | Book |
Ganzel & Wulff: the quest for American milling secrets | Bost, Gerald; Ganzel, Carl Friedrich; Ogden, Derek; Wulff, Friedrich | TIMS | 2010 | | Book |
Windmill technology in Flanders in the 14th & 15th centuries Part 2.: Moving parts of early post and tower mills | Coutant, Yves; Harverson, Michael; Ward, Owen H | TIMS | 2012 | | Book |
Proiskhozhdeniye i razvitiye vetryanoy mel'nitsy | Ponmomarev, N A | | 1958 | | Book |
Der Walzenstuhl: Konstruktion & Funktion | Gemsjäger, Helmut | Agrimedia | 2013 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. I: From Early Times to the Fall of Ancient Empires | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. II: The Mediterranean Civilizations and the Middle Ages, c. 700 B.C. To c. A.D. 1500 | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. III: From The Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution, c. 1500 - c. 1750 | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. IV: The Industrial Revolution, c. 1750 to c. 1850 | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. V: The Late Nineteenth Century, c1850 to c. 1900 | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. VI: The Twentieth Century, c.1900 to c.1950 Part 1 | Williams, Trevor I | Clarendon Press | 1978 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. VII: The Twentieth Century, c.1900 to c.1950 Part 2 | Williams, Trevor I | Clarendon Press | 1978 | | Book |
Millstone industry: a summary of research on quarries and producers in the USA, Eurpoe and elsewhere | Hockensmith, Charles D | McFarland & Co Inc | 2009 | | Book |
Rise and Fall of the Millstone | Cookson, Mildred M | Cereal Foods World | 2019 | Vol. 64, No. 4 pp | Digital |
Digital conversion era ahead for our industry | | Milling & Grain | 2021 | January | Digital |
Bühler and Vyncke form strategic partnership to offer low-carbon-emissions food plants | | Milling & Grain | 2021 | March | Digital |
Powerful air purifier removes 99.99 percent of Covid-19 virus | | Milling & Grain | 2021 | March | Digital |
Bühler Virtual World showcases innovative solutions. Protecting the climate whilst generating positive economic impact | | Milling & Grain | 2021 | April | Digital |
Making of the Smart Mill of the future | | Milling & Grain | 2020 | December | Digital |
Milling journals of the past. Luther’s new self-contained plansifter: The novel way of propelling stock | Cookson, Mildred M | Milling & Grain | 2020 | November | Digital |
Pursuing sustainable feed production | | Milling & Grain | 2021 | June | Digital |
Roller mill. Stability and grinding roller system performance | | Milling & Grain | 2019 | December | Digital |
Extrusion brings versatility to food industry | | Milling & Grain | 2019 | October | Digital |
Bogasari Flour Mills. Technological advances help millers meet consumer needs | Gilbert, Roger | Milling & Grain | 2019 | October | Digital |
Rice flour by SATAKE’s small milling unit CMU30A | | Milling & Grain | 2019 | October | Digital |
Revolution in flour milling unfolds. Mill E3 | | Milling & Grain | 2019 | September | Digital |
Gadgetization of agriculture: Future frontiers of AgTech | Sampathkumar, Raghavan | Milling & Grain | 2021 | September | Digital |
Roller mill. The new Diorit roller mill with leading-edge control | | Milling & Grain | 2019 | August | Digital |
Modular milling concept | | Milling & Grain | 2019 | April | Digital |