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Miller's guide: a few practical rulesSmith, R RThe author1875Manuscript/Typescript
Beverley Water; 6 inch Ordnance Map between Holderness Pumping Station and BeverleyOrdnance Survey1893Map
Miscellaneous one inch Ordnance Survey MapsHMSO1913Map
Inland navigation with special reference to the mechanical arrangements for overcoming considerable changes of levelSaner, John ArthurInstiute of Civil Engineers1904Offprint/Journal Supplement
Windmills, picturesque and historic: The motors of the pastShelton, F HJournal of the Franklin Institute1919February pp 171- 198Offprint/Journal Supplement
Characteristics of modern hydraulic turbinesLarner, Chester WAmerican Society of Civil Engineers1910Transactions Vol 66 pp306-386Offprint/Journal Supplement
British Empire turbineArmfield, Joseph J & Co Ltd1905Unbound documents
British Empire TurbineArmfield, Joseph J & Co Ltd1905Unbound documents
Catalogue of turbines, pelton wheels and other water motorsCarrick & Ritchie Ltd1913Unbound documents