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Sugar Barons: Family, Corruption, Empire, and War in the West IndiesParker, MatthewRandom House2011-Digital
Windmills in the West Indies: Dutch entrepreneurs and the development of Barbados, 1621–1655Kieft, N Cunpublished paper deposited at the Barbados Museum and Historical SocietyundatedDigital
Bittersweet: The Story of SugarMcKinnis, PeterAllen & Unwin 2002-Digital
Sugar, slavery and emancipation: the industrial archaeology of the West Indian island of TobagoEubanks, Thomas HalesUniversity of Florida1992-Digital
Freedom and oppression of slaves in the eighteenth-century CaribbeanStinchcombe, Arthur LAmerican Sociological Review1994Vol 59 (6) December pp 911-929Digital
Sugar Machines: Picturing Industrialized SlaveryJohn, CrowleyAmerican Historical Review2016vol 121, 2, (April), 403-436Digital
Breaking & winnowing of cocoa beansMilling & Grain 2022FebruaryDigital
Contesting “White Slavery” in the Caribbean: Enslaved Africans and European Indentured Servants in Seventeenth-Century BarbadosHandler, Jerome S; Reilly, Matthew CNew West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Leiden2017Issue 91 pp 30-55Digital
Slave experience in the CaribbeanKlein, Herbert SAtlantic History Study Centre Regional Tourism and Culture Office1996-Digital
Craft Malt. From beer to breadMilling & Grain 2018MarchDigital
Rumors of Slavery: Defending Emancipation in a Hostile CaribbeanEller, AnneOxford University Press2017-Digital
Journey down an Archives Rabbit HoleHow, NeilInternet Archive2023-Digital
British Empire and the Suppression of the Slave Trade to Brazil: A Global History AnalysisParron, TâmisJournal of World History2018March Vol 29 (1) pp. 1-36Digital
Vertical three-roller sugar millWard, Owen HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Der Bau und Betrieb der Oelmühlen: ein praktisches Handbuch für Oelmüller, Mühlen- und Maschinenbauer so wie fur Unternchmer und Techniker uberhaupScholl, E FCarl Wilhelm Leske Verlag1844Facsimile reprint
Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice Vol 53 nos 1 & 2Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice1974Journal
Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice Vol 53 nos 3 & 4Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice1974Journal
Mills of SurinamMarrenga-Stapf, A JTIMS1977Manuscript/Typescript
Some Caribbean sugar millsRoberts, NiallUnpublished1989November 24Manuscript/Typescript
Os Muinos de Aceite en Galicia estudo preliminarBas Lopez, Maria BegonaGallaecia1985Offprint/Journal Supplement
Windmills and steam power in BarbadosWailes, RexNewcomen Society1970Vol 42 pp 127 - 148Offprint/Journal Supplement
Papers of Hornung & Co LtdWest Sussex Record Office online cataogueWebsite
Occupations of enslaved women on Buff Bay Plantation, 1819UCL database: Legacies of British Slavery Website